Vukasin Brajic is a Bosnian-Serb pop-rock singer who rose to fame after his participation in the TV show Fame Academy. He will represent Bosnia & Herzegovina at the Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo with the song Thunder and lightning. EuroVisionary talked to him and he revealed that he is still wondering if he is normal!
1. How do you feel now as the representative of Bosnia & Herzegovina in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest?
I don’t think about it too much. I focus on the work, so the performance and song in Oslo, can be pretty good. You know that in a center of tornado is peace. Same as here. When you are in the center of happenings, everything become normal. Unfortunately…
2. In 2009, you participated in the well-known TV show Fame Academy (Operacija Trijumf) which was broadcast by six national television networks in five Balkan countries: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Croatia and Montenegro. You were at the final with Adnan Babajic. Before the announcement of the winner, how did you feel? How was all the experience?
Well, now when I look at all that, this whole story is very pleasant to me. But I know, at that time I didn’t feel like it. I felt enormous pressure, but I function the best under the pressure, because of it, the result was such as it was. When there is no pressure, I become relax and lazy :-). About winning and first place, I was kind a informed that Adnan is in advantage, so I didn’t expect it. But, it is in human nature to hope.
3. Did you have jitters during your stay in the Operation Triumph house, because the style of the show is similar to reality shows like Big Brother?
No. In that situation you forget on cameras after one hour.
4. You were born in Bosnia, then in 1995, you moved with your familly in Serbia, then you were moved a few more times. How do you remember your childhood, because you were constantly changing location.
My childhood was like any other. I am telling about period when I was living in Sanski Most (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Running in the village, football, cowboys and Indians, and other similar games that children play. I have always been the Indian :-). Afterward when we moved, I was quite withdrawn. I read a lot and watched television, all until high school. Then I began with music and became a little rebel. Rock music and teens – fatal combination. But I was passing all that stuffs fast and started seriously to work on making music, as my call.
5. During your studies at teacher training college, were you imagining that the classroom is your stage and your audience are the students. People say "All you want, you get". Do you agree with that thought? What is also neccessary to make your dreams come true?
I didn’t imagine.. It’s more some experience of that whole thing. You need to keep the attention of many people and to be interesting. Also, you need to know what you do. Same as on the scene :-). About that thought, I agree. But it’s not enough just to want. It is necessary to focus on what you want and with every little thing you do, to go for it. And then come the big things.
6. Your style of singing is rock, will your song for the Eurovision Song Contest be in that style; can you describe your song to us?
Name of the song is Thunder and lightning. The song is rock. It is very serious. It’s love one, but there are still a whole other, deeper meanings which is about coexistence of different people in this world.
7. Do you watch the Eurovision Song Contest and what are your thoughts on it?
I do watch, I am not a huge fan, because my favorites always pass bad :-).
8. Are you satisfied with last year’s performance by Regina, the guys who participated for Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, in Moscow?
If they are content with the performance so am I. I had favorite song. Belarus had a song for my taste, but they didn’t pass in the final. Singer Petr Elfimov wasn’t so good like he knows to be.
9. How do you see yourself and your song in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, in Oslo?
Huh.. I don’t know. It’s hard to say. Still I don’t know how performance will look like.
10. Together with OT band, you competed in Beovizija 2009. You finished second and afterward the Serbian people were dissatisfied because you "lost". Did that make situation harder for you or you were content and happy with such overwhelming support?
Of course we were happy. We breaked all records of Beovizija with voting and the audience.
11. Do you like the 2009 Serbian song by Marko Kon and Milaan?
It isn’t something that I listen, but song was unusual and original. That is good, despite it didn’t have good position.
12. Do you have idols in life or in music?
Not so. I think it’s wrong having an idols, because with it, you can not be original. But definitely there are people who I care for and which work I respect.
13. Three months left until your trip to Oslo, have you been in Norway before, how are you preparing yourself for that big step?
I haven’t been in Norway yet. I don’t think about it now. There are now other things, promotion of the song, preparations..
14. What question, that I haven’t asked you, would you like to ask yourself and what would your answer be?
Well I ask myself everyday, from all kind of reasons: "Vukasin, are you normal?" – But still I don’t know the answer! 🙂
Below is the video of Vukasin Brajic singing Nothing else matters by Metallica, on TV show Fame Academy. Enjoy!