This evening we saw Ulrik Munther and Ralf Gyllenhammar go straight to the final after the 4th heat of Melodifestivalen, held in Malmö. EuroVisionary caught up with them afterwards to ask a few questions about this experience and what we can expect in the final in two weeks.
Last year Ulrik Munther finished third in the final in Melodifestivalen. This evening he made it straight to the final from the semi-final in Malmö. EuroVisionary got a few words with him after the success.
How did it feel to be on stage tonight?
It felt very good, it was so much fun and it felt really good!
Is it something that is more fun this year compared to last year?
Now when we’ve done it, it felt like I could live it out more. It’s a huge song and it requires a lot from me. But, that is also fun! So maybe that makes it more fun than last year.
What is your plan on how to win the final in Friends Arena?
Oh, eh, I don’t think I wanna focus on that right now. Now I want to enjoy this, and then we’ll see… I’m gonna reload and then I’ll just do my best!
Which question that I haven’t asked you, would you like to ask yourself and what would the answer to it be?
I have no idea. It feels like all questions already has been asked, haha. I really don’t know, it’s not my job to ask questions, haha!
Ralf Gyllenhammar is mainly known as the singer of the rock band Mustach, but tonight he was alone on stage and managed to blow Sweden away. EuroVsionary met the second winner of the night right after the show.
The best feeling tonight?
It was when they said "Melody number five"! The first thing I thought when I won was "Damn, Doris and the kids will be so happy!". That was my first thought. And "YES! I didn’t let them down!".
How will you beat the other acts in the final in Friends Arena?
With more fire!
Will you burn down the entire place?
No, haha! But maybe the grand piano…
What question that I haven’t asked you, would you like to ask yourself and what would the answer be?
No one has asked me how my hotel room is! So how is your hotel room? – It’s fantastic! I got the suite! It’s wonderful!
EuroVisionary would like to thank Ulrik and Ralf for taking the time to talk to us and we wish them both the best of luck in the final.
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Ulrik Munther & Ralf Gyllenhammar voted to the final in Sweden tonight