We finally came to an end in the long term qualification section with the 8th heat in Milli Seçim Turu 2013. Nine competetors fought for the last ticket to final where we expected only one lucky name, however both Valeriya Hüseynzadə and Aysel Babayeva won the rights to be participating on the 14th of March.
The same procedure of the selection was followed by Elvin Babaşov, Valeriya Hüseynzadə, Seyran İsmayılxanov, Ayişəbəyim Nağıyeva, Orxan Kərimli, Aysel Babayeva, Üzeyir Quliyev, Ləman Dadaşova and Səid İsmayılzadə at the last heat this week. Orxan Kərimli might sound similar to Milli Seçim Turu fans as he participated at the selections last year where he succeded to win his heat and performed in the finals.
Though Üzeyir Quliyev has succesfully participated in the first four shows, he decided to withdraw and wasn’t placed on the scoreboard. The detailed schedule of the song selection procedure was:
- Monday: Eurovision Hits
- Tuesday: Azeri Music
- Wednesday: World Hits
- Thursday: Stage Performance
- Friday: Free Style (Participants will re-perform some of their previous song selections)
The televoting results from each day were added to the poll, which is
also combined with the jury results at the end of show like in
previous heats. The results for the last ticket as it follows:
2 points: Ayişəbəyim Nağıyeva
3 points: Elvin Babaşov
4 points: Səid İsmayılzadə
6 points: Ləman Dadaşova
7 points: Seyran İsmayılxanov
8 points: Orxan Kərimli
It was expected that one name was able to get the last ticket, but however the jury decided to give another extra place from the 8th heat. Therefore Valeriya Hüseynzadə and Aysel Babayeva both got 12 points and also the last ticket for the final where they will be participating with the names including (You may read our previous Milli Seçim Turu articles by clicking on the links below):
From 1st heat: Vüqar Muradov
From 2nd heat: Rəvanə Əliyeva
From 3rd heat: Fərəh Hadıyeva
From 4th heat: Leyla Əliyeva
From 5th heat: Leyla Qafari
From 6th heat: Fərid Məmmədov
From 7th heat: Nigar Hüseynova and Vlada Axundova
From 8th heat: Valeriya Hüseynzadə and Aysel Babayeva
The final of Milli Seçim Turu 2013 will be held on March, 14th – taking place at Haydar Aliyev Palace in Baku, with the presentaters Leyla Aliyeva, Hüsniye Maharramova and Kamran Guliyev.
The show will be broadcasted by İçtimai TV via internet and satellite.
Below you can see Valeriya Hüseynzadə and Aysel Babayeva’s performances from the Eurovision hits’ day.
Last year’s host country, Azerbaijan, will compete in the first half of
the second semi-final in Malmö. Though this small country participated
in 2008 for the very first time, they have managed to advance to the
final every single year so far, finishing inside the top ten.
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