Masterchef Danmark 2013 now ready for final

First they were four, then they were two and near the end, only one is left. We are talking about participants in Masterchef Danmark 2013 with a connection to Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. After 7 preliminary heats and two semi-finals one is now ready for the final.

The four participants with a connection to Dansk Melodi Grand Prix were:

  • Noam Halby: As lead singer in the band Johnny Deluxe Noam participated in the 2009 Dansk Melodi Grand Prix where the band finished 3rd with the song Sindssyg. The year after Noam was back, this time as a songwriter for Jens Marni on Gloria. The band announced in early 2012 that they had decided to split up.
  • Trine Gadeberg: It was back in 2000 we saw Trine Gadeberg participate in the Danish final. She sang the song Lykkefugl and released an album in 2001. Aside from a Christmas album in 2008 we have mainly seen her as an actress since then.
  • Julie Berthelsen: In 2002 Julie Berthelsen won the talentshow Popstars and since then she has been an established singer. It was however as host we saw Julie in relation to the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix as she hosted the show in 2010 together with Felix Smith.
  • Cutfather: International producer living in the US. He became known in Denmark when he was judge on X-factor. In the newly held Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2013 Cutfather was one of the jury members. 

During the 7 preliminary heats Noam Halby and Cutfather was kicked out, where as Trine and Julie both very securely qualified for the semi-finals. They were placed in each their semi-final.

Julie Berthelsen in the semi-final

Julie Berthelsen competed in the first semi-final against Ole Stephensen, Søren Fauli, Martin Veltz, Kristian Humaidan, Christina Hembo and Michael Rasmussen. 

Just like the preliminary heats the two semi-finals lasted 4 days. On the first day in the first semi-final Julie impressed the judges, who are all professionel chefs, with her tuna steak with tomato sauce and chilli/lime dressing. They concluded that all three parts were excellent done, but that it didn’t match well together. It was however enough to make Julie continue to day two, where she qualified to the third day when cooking a three dish dinner in a group together with Ole Stephensen and Martin Veltz, despite that their group was called the loosing group and therefore had a disadvantage. Team work, good overview and a clear plan however made up for that making them the winners. 

During the whole programme Julie has mentioned her sweet tooth and how much she likes to make desserts and cakes; and therefore the challenges on the third day of the semi-final suited her well as they were first to make a Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats and afterwards a chocolate cake. The latter she really impressed the judge with as he went over to hug her for a cake that was 110% perfect. The best cake sent Julie through to the last day of the semi-final. 

On the 4th and last day of the semi-final Julie qualified directly to the final when she together with Martin Veltz made the best steak dish. Later Søren Fauli joined them in the final. Now they are waiting for the second semi-final to see which three others they will be up against in the final. 

Trine Gadeberg in the semi-final

Trine Gadeberg competed in the second semi-final against Jim Lyngvild, Jonas Schmidt, Rune RK, Alexander Kølpin, Therese Glahn and Nanna Schultz. 

On the first day in the semi-final round Trine impressed the judges when she made a "New Year dinner". She were praised for having served the best meal ever by anyone in this season of Masterchef. The fantastic start gave the impression that she would stand with very good chances of making it to the final. Already the next day however she got in problems.

It all started out well for Trine though on day 2 when they were told that they should make Japanes food. She felt comfortable as she loves Japanes food and has quite a good knowledge of how it should taste. Unfortunately she confused a red peper for a chili and therefore ended up making her food way too spicy.

Due to that mistakes Trine found herself in the elmimination round on day 2. Here the Japanese dish to make was suchi rolls. The judges found that she had used too much rice and therefore not managed to make them well balanced. This meant the end of Masterchef 2013 for Trine Gadeberg, who in 24 hours went from establishing herself as one of the top favourites to being kick out before the final.

Tomorrow, Monday the 1st of April, the final in the Danish edition of Masterchef 2013 kicks off. On Thursday the winner will be known – and time will tell if Julie Berthelsen makes it all the way. 

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Source: EuroVisionary
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