Controversial Danish MGP film in the cinemas now

A film titled MGP Missionen has just been premiered in cinemas across the country. The film tells the story of a girl with a mission; she wants to become an MGP star. The fact that she has immigrant background has already caused quite some fuoro.

On the 21st of March a children film; MGP Missionen was premiered in cinemas all over Denmark, but already a year ago, before the film was finished, it became involved in quite a scandal when it was made public that it had not been getting any economical support from Det Danske Filminstitut (The Danish Filminstitute). The reason given: "A film with a cast with another ethnic background has proven not to become commerical successes outside Copenhagen". A scandal went on in the media who were discussing whether or not this meant that the rest of the country suddenly was to be seen as racist. Later the filminstitute appologised saying that this was a very unfortunately phrasing and changed it to that the film was rejected as they "don’t believe it will appeal to the wide masses, as it should". 

The film tells the story about a boy who moves with his family from West Jutland to Copenhagen, where he has problems settling in with his new class matches. He finds a friend in a Turkish girl who also has difficulties being accepted into the crowds. She dreams of becoming an MGP star, something her parents are very much against, but together the two children decide to go on a mission to have that happen even if it means running away from home.

MGP is the title of the Danish Junior show, which is what the Junior Eurovision Song Contest is based on. Denmark doesn’t take part in the international show anymore, but its own Junior show is still a big seller in the country. The TV programme gets a lot of viewers and the official releases are among the best selling ones of the year. 

Below you can see a trailer to the film – in Danish only. 

Source: EuroVisionary, Information,
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