Hungary Decides Again and Again and Again: Adok Zoltan to Moscow

The Hungarian national broadcaster, MTV, has announced that Adok Zoltan will be participating in Moscow with his song Tanclepes. It is the third time that the Hungarian broadcaster has announced a Eurovision Song Contest participiant this year.

Not so long ago, the Hungarian broadcaster, MTV, announced that Mark Zentai would be representing Hungary at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song It’s Time to Party. However, it was discovered that the song had been used in Sweden and recorded by the Big Brother housemates in the Swedish version of the show. Although the lyrics had been changed, it was clear that the song had been available publicly well in advance of the 1st October 2008 the deadline. Then Zentai was withdrawn immediately.

After this illegal situation, MTV announced Katya Tompos instead of Mark Zentai. The song Magányos Csónak which is also a movietrack of Valami Amerika vol.1 would be participating in Moscow this year, but this time Katya’s music company, Sony BMG, announced that the singer will not be able to take part in the contest because of her theatre engagements, and Katya Tompos withdrew from the contest.

Today, MTV announced the third singer, Adok Zoltan, will be representing Hungary at the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow this year. Adok will be singing Tanclepes which means Dance With Me on the stage.

Hungary will participate in the second semifinal in the Eurovision Song Contest on 14th May. You can visit Adok Zoli’s offical webpage by clicking here. You can also hear the song Tanclepes and its English cover Dance With Me below:

Source: EuroVisionary, MTV
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