Hungary is back in Düsseldorf after a short break

The Central European country Hungary is back to the Eurovision Song Contest after a break of one year. The national broadcaster MTV will be responsible for the country’s participation in 2011.

Hungary, who joint to the family of the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, participated in the contest eight times. After 2009, the public broadcaster decided not to participate in 2010 due to financial crisis. After this short break MTV confirmed their participation in 2011, when the contest will be held in Düsseldorf.

Further details about the procedure of the national final in Hungary will be announced in January.

The country’s best place was scored by Friderika in Dublin where contest took place in 1994. In 2009 Hungary was represented by Adok Zoli, but he couldn’t take them to the final.

Source: EuroVisionary, eschungary
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