Rosman Pace Talks to EuroVisionary

Rosman Pace is a singer from Malta. He is very well known for his strong voice and great technical ability. He is a great fan of the Eurovision Song Contest and he has a wish to represent Malta one day in the contest. He says that there are so many things which he has yet to discover, so his story will be continued.

When did you participate for the first time in the Song for Europe, in Malta?

The first time I participated in Malta Song for Europe was back in 2003. with the song Love Will Shine Forever.

What kind of experience did you get from it?

I must say that the first time I took part I was over thrilled because I love Eurovision, so it had been my dream to represent my country, you have to imagine how excited I was. Nowadays, I am more calm and relaxed, I guess the experience of taking part for 5 times got me to be this way.

You also entered in the 2009 Malta Song for Europe with a song One Million Ways. What did you want to "say" with that song?

One Million Ways is a track that speaks about love in general, and also speaks about climate change. I just wanted to pass a good message to all the people around the world that with a little bit of extra love, one can always do better.

What does the Eurovision Song Contest means to you?

The Eurovision Song Contest means that once a year it re-unites Europe through a screen, and everyone supports his nation. For me it’s real fun, especially watching the results. I must say I used to be paranoid about Eurovision. When I was younger, I used to record the show and spend about a month after watching it every single day.

Do you see yourself as a winner one day in the Eurovision Song Contest, the greatest music contest in Europe?

Well I must admit that when I write song for Eurovision, I put all my heart and soul to make a track that maybe can do really well in Eurovision. I believe that these last 2 years, I had created a style which was loved by the Maltese general public. Also, I believe that it would have done really well in Eurovision, so who knows, maybe one day, I will write a song which will bring the trophy to my country.

In which other festivals do you also participate?

I had participated in several festivals, such as Amberstar Latvia, Universong Spain, Sunflower & Pan music festival Serbia, Canzoni Dal’ Mondo Italy, Sarandev Internation Bulgardia, Golden Stag Romania and many more, just to mention a few. I always managed to obtain a great result and I’m very happy that I have met some wonderful people in the music industry.

What musical influences do you have?

To be honest about this question, I don’t really get the influences when I write a song for myself, or for other artists. I must admit that I have a passion to write powerful ballads, and this could come from great artists like Celine Dion, who I adore.

What kind of music do you like to sing the most?

As a singer, I am quite versatile and I can adapt to various kind of styles, though if I really have to be honest, I feel very comfortable performing ballads. I have a passion for modern ballad songs, I love Marija Serifovic and her beautiful song Molitva.

How many times have you participated in the Malta Song for Europe?

I have participated 5 times in Malta, and always archived a top ten position

What is your favourite singer & song at this years on Eurovision Song Contest?

After hearing all the songs, I can’t really say that there is a particular song which I can say it’s a definite winner, but if I have to mention my top favourite to win the contest this year, I would bet on Sweden, Greece, UK or Norway.

What would you like to tell your fans?

I would like to send my best regards, especially to all Serbian people where I performed twice, and all my experinces were exellent. Many kisses from Rosman.

What question that I haven’t asked you would like to ask yourself and what answer will be?

Mmm, well, if I have to ask myself, it would be if I would manage to live without performing or songwriting? The answer would be definitely a big no because I can’t live a day without music in my life, it has always been a passion for me since I was a kid, and although sometimes I tried to take different paths in my life, it’s my destiny and I love it.

Below you can check Rosman’s performance on Malta Song for Europe 2009, with a song One Million Ways.


Rosman Pace official site

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