Oscar Loya (Germany) Talks to EuroVisionary

Oscar Loya will represent Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, together with Alex Christensen as Alex Swings Oscar sings, performing the song Miss Kiss Kiss Bang. Oscar tells us about his music career and his song, where he thinks that people should relax and have fun as much as possible.

What does the Eurovision Song Contest means to you?

Eurovision is a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in the closest thing to a music Olympic games. It’s also an honour to represent a country and an awesome chance to meet people from other countries, like Serbia!

What did you want to "say" with your song, Kiss Miss Miss Bang?

HAVE FUN! LET yourself go! COME LET US SWING! It’s also about someone who drives you crazy with desire and is very tempting, sexy and fun.

How long have you been in the music industry?

I was a late starter when it comes to my solo music career. I began with musical theatre and about three years ago, I started my solo project.

Which song (country) do you also like in this year’s Contest?

Hmm there are some goodies… I like Soraya, Svetlana from Ukraine, Denmark, the guys from Serbia were also pretty cool.

Will you have some special choreography and have you worked on it?

We are working with dancers from AMCK London and hopefully you guys will like what we have planed : )

Have you done some promotional tours in other countries or in Germany?

Unfortunately, we were only able to do promo in Spain and in Holland. I would have loved to do more but we have been very busy promoting our single Miss Kiss Kiss Bang and also finishing up our album Heart for Sale, that will be released a day before final.

Here is a music video by Alex Swings Oscar Sings that will represent Germany in Eurovision Song Contest 2009. in Mosocw.

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