EuroVisionary talks to Greek finalist Barrice

Just one before the Greek final Barrice Sobolev with his special voice gave us a very interesting interview. He participates in Wednesday’s final with his dynamic song "Ela". Is this the song that will represent Greece at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest and bring them back to top10 after one year’s absense?

Barrice has really a very full programme these days with the final tomorrow. Despite his tiredness because of the rehearsals and all the live appearances in radio and tv programmes, he was very polite, and with a smile answered all of our questions:

  • You have released recently your first solo-song Na Souna Edo, and now you compete in the Greek National Final for the Eurovision Song Contest. Could you please introduce yourself to the public.

Barrice: It’s my mother’s fault. She had to sing every time for at least an hour to make me go to sleep. She is also a music theory teacher, but we never developed a teacher and student relationship. It took me almost 20 years to reconnect with my musical nature, but since then I’m getting better year by year. I started as a deejay in small venues and within two years I became one of the most known RnB and hip hop deejays in Greece. Then songwriting came into my life. I needed to pitch those demos and I couldn’t afford singers to do it so I’d sang myself. At first I hated my voice, but after a while people would ask me to sing on their records so I started working hard. Since then it’s been a long journey with at least 4 bands (funk, rock, reggae,) an electro pop project and many collaborations in various fields. Eventually I decided to go solo and since then only good things happen. I have written and produced songs for well known Greek artists and in my own studio (some of them have millions views on YouTube). Now I might focused on my singing career and looking forward to the Greek Finals.

  • You come from Greece but you have also a russian origin, do you think that will help you if eventually you be the Greek represantative in Vienna? 

Barrice: I believe that also having a Russian origin will help me, not because I am from Russia but because I am a Eurovision representative. That is what Eurovision is about… people and musical influences from all of Europe coming together to celebrate our love for music and how it can unit us.

  • So tell us about your entry?

Barrice: It came all of a sudden, out of the blue. I was in my bed around 13.30 after a long night when my manager called me and asked me if I wanted to do this. I was so surprised that I thought it was a dream. So I took a look around me to check that I’m awake, but it didn’t help. Eventually I just said "ok cool". When I woke up I truly realised it and since then it’s just happiness all around.

  • Do you think that dance songs have a better chance in the eurovision stage? What will you do to make it stand out in the final?

Barrice: I believe that the recipe for the eurovision stage is a great song. A song will stand out, if it succeeds in touching its audience and I believe that ‘ELA’ will. For me dance is a part of the celebration.

  • Which is your favourite Greek entry in the contest?

Barrice: My favorite Greek entry would have to be the one that was the one that got me hooked on Eurovision. Copenhagen 2001, Antique with I Would Die For You. This entry opened the path for Greece’s success in Eurovision. I don’t know if it was Nikos Panagiotidis live bouzouki, or the disco funky groove or beatiful Elena Pararizou and her performance, that made it what it was. Maybe it was a combination of all of the above. It was a magical three minutes where everything was perfect. That is exactly how I want to feel and I will do my very best to succeed!!

  • What does it mean to you to represent your homeland in a contest like this?

Barrice: It is a great honour together with a huge responsibility!

  • If you have to choose another song except yours in the Greek national final which will be?

Barrice: All the songs are great and the level is very good this year. I love music and to pick, for me, is always a difficult decision. I m a performer, not a critic. I just hope that my song will stand out.

  • Which question that I didn’t ask you, would you like to ask yourself and what will the answer be?

Barrice: What is my message to the audience of Eurovision? 

No matter how difficult life can be at times, there are always moments of happiness to remind us how great life is. Let me share with you a moment that my heart will beat fast and I promise to make yours beat to. So ELA, let’s celebrate altogether.  

You can watch ELA, Barrice’s candidate song in the Greek Eurovision final below. You can also watch a special remix video cover of some Eurovision winning songs, Barrice uploaded yesterday in his official Youtube channel and dedicated to in all eurofans that supports him. EuroVisionary would like to wish him the best of luck tomorrow:

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