2014 Eurovision representative Kállay Saunders is up for a comeback. That was revealed today as the 30 participants competing in the Hungarian A Dal selection was announced by the broadcaster. The series of shows starts on the 14th of January.
After the deadline to submit entries expired a few weeks ago, a jury has been selecting the 30 participants who will be fighting to represent Hungary at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest.
Broadcaster MTVA announced today the participants in the national A Dal selection. The line-up reveals a comeback to 2014 national winner and Eurovision representative András Kállay-Saunders. He finished 5th at the contest in Copenhagen with the song Running. This time he is back with his band Kállay Saunders Band. A few former A Dal participants who didn’t make it to Eurovision are also to be found as the list shows Gigi Radics, Berkes Olivér, Spoon 21 and Ádám Szabó as up for another attempt.
With six shows isn’t a quick selection. First three qualification rounds, then two semi-finals and finally one grand final. The series will start on the 14th of January and with one show each Saturday, Hungary will pick its winner on the 18th of February.
A Dal 2017 participants
- Benji – Karcok
- Berkes Olivér – Ecstasy
- Calidora – Glory
- Csondor Kata – Create
- Fedor KYRA – Got To Be A Day
- Garay Anna feat Kása Júlia – Jártam
- Henderson Dávid – White Shadows
- Jetlag – Keresem A Bajt
- Kállay Saunders Band – 17
- Kanizsa Georgina – Fall Like Rain
- Leander Kills – Élet
- Mrs Columbo – Frozen King
- Mujahid Zoltán – On My Own
- Muri Enikő – Jericho
- Pál Benjámin – Father’s Eyes
- Pápai Joci – Be Kell Csuknod A Szemed
- Peet Project – Kill Your Monster
- Peter Kovary & The Royal Rebels – It’s A Riot
- Radics Gigi – See It Through
- Roma Soul – Nyitva A Ház
- Sapszon Orsi – Hunyd Le A Szemed
- Singh Viki – Rain
- Soulwave – Kalandor
- Spoon 21 – Deák
- Szabó Ádám – Together
- Szabyest – Szerelem Kell
- The Couple – Vége Van
- The Wings – Mint A Hurrikán
- Tóth Andi – I’ve Got A Fire
- Totova and Freddie Shuman feat Lotfi Begi – Hosszú Idők
Hungary at the Eurovision Song Contest
In 1993, Hungary had planned for a Eurovision debut, but a pre-selection round stopped that. The country had to wait until the following year, but what a debut they then got. Friderika Bayer finished 4th for Hungary in their first appearance.
Since the fantastic debut, it has been a bit up and down for Hungary in terms of Eurovision results. András Kállay-Saunders, who we just spotted in the 2017 line up as well, came fifth. In 2007 Magdi Rúzsa and her Unsubstantial Blues ended 9th. Those two and their debutant Friderika are the three top 10 positions they have achieved.
At the 2016 contest, Freddie represented Hungary with the song Pioneer. He finished 19th at the contest in Stockholm. In the video below we however take you back to 2014 and András Kállay-Saunders Eurovision performance.