Malta sends Sophie to sing during Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations

Malta have sent Sophie to the United Kingdom to represent the former British colony at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations at three separate music events.  This is part of Sophie’s UK promotional tour where she will perform around the country this summer.

Sophie is now 18 years old and is an established singer already. She represented Malta at the 2006 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with Extra Cute and participated in the 2011 Malta Eurosong with Love To Love You.

Malta decided to send Sophie to represent them during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.  On 2 June Sophie performed at the Picnic In The Park event at King’s Lynn and on 3 June she took part in a massive event at Whitehaven along side Katherine Jenkins, The Enemy and the Charlatans.  On Monday 4 June Sophie appears in Reading with Seani B and the YADA Dance Company.

Sophie will release her new single, Sunny, soon on the Thru The Mill label by Absolute/Universal music and will be followed by her album later this year.

You can read more about Sophie at her  official website and keep reading EuroVisionary for news of her album and her next single. 

Source:; thru the mill; EuroVisionary
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