First semi final in Albania – 10 songs to the final

The first semi final of the 2012 Albanian national selection, Festivali i Këngës, took place yesterday in Tirana.  14 songs competed and 10 qualified for the final on 29 December.  The festival this year has reached a significant milestone of 50 years.  There will be a special show celebrating this event on 28 December.

The RTSH show was presented by Nik Xhelilaj, Hygerta Sako and Enkeleida Zeko

The 14 acts and songs in the first semi final –

  1. Gerta Mahmutaj Pyete zemrën
  2. Entela Zhula Ndjehem Bosh
  3. Bashkim AlibaliKëngën time merr vehtë
  4. Samanta Karavello Zgjomë një tjetër ëndërr
  5. Endri dhe Stefi Prifti Iluzion
  6. Rona Nishliu Suus
  7. Rudina Delia Më kërko
  8. Marjeta BilloVlen sa një jetë
  9. Claudio La Regina Kur të pasha
  10. Hercina Matmuja Aty ku më le
  11. Orinda Huta Dorëzohem
  12. Altina Goci Kthehem prap
  13. Elton Deda Kristal
  14. Evans Rama Ti nuk mundesh

The acts to qualify to the final are:

Gerta Mahmutaj, Bashkim Alibali, Endir dhe Stefi Prifti, Samanta Karavello, Rudina Deliu, Rona Nishliu, Altin Goci, Elton Deda, Hersi Matmuja and Marjeta Billo.

The second semi final takes place tonight at 20:30 CET.

Source:; RTSH
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