Dutch Stars pitch in for Japan relief

The earthquake and tsunami tragedy that shook Japan a few weeks ago continues to make its mark around the world, with stars flocking together in droves to arrange benefit concerts. Stars in the Netherlands are now the latest to contribute to focus awareness on the plight of the Japanese.

This year’s Dutch Eurovision entrants 3JS will be making an appearance on Wednesday the 13th of April at a benefit event Nederland Helpt Japan, organised by the Dutch Red Cross. The concert will take place in Amsterdam Arena with doors opening at 5 pm and with the show starting at 7 pm. Other stars due to participate include Jan Smit, Nick & Simon and the 2005 Dutch entrant, Glennis Grace, who has recently enjoyed a massive hit in her home country with Afscheid. 3JS will be performing the John Denver number Country Road. De Toppers will also be one of the headlining acts to perform free of charge in order to raise funds for the tsunami victims. Tickets for the event will cost 5 euro. 


Event official website

Source: Telegraaf.nl, EuroVisionary
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