Songstress Charlotte Perrelli is no doubt singing the Lena Philipsson classic It Hurts these days after being involved in a nasty car accident. She spoke out this week to Swedish tabloid Expressen about her latest personal tragedy.
The star has always enjoyed a huge following among Eurovision fans, not only for her music, but also for the fact that she gives 100% of herself the whole time. She has an adoring fanbase and is therefore very open with them about most matters in her life. You’d have thought that 2012 just couldn’t have gotten any worse for Perrelli following her humiliation in failing to qualify at this year’s Melodifestivalen with her entry The Girl. The star has previously been very candid about her marital problems, the infidelity and the ensuing divorce. The latest sorry epdisode in Perrelli’s troubled existence happened earlier on in the week.
It was on Monday evening that the singer was on her way to visit her sister when her car was suddenly rammed from behind by another vehicle. Despite both cars travelling at a low speed, Perrelli was forced to take a visit to the A&E due to the excruciating pain she felt in her neck afterwards, It was here that medical staff were able to confirm that the she is now suffering from whiplash and a concussion. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would come to this", the star tells Expressen openheartedly. She is reportedly terrified of the possibility of living with these injuries for the rest of her life. "My neck hurts so much, snapping and cracking the whole time. The headaches are almost blinding", she goes on to say.
The accident could not have come at a worse time for the popular singer, who has had no other option but to rearrange her schedule entirely. On Tuesday, she was supposed to have rehearsals for her role as Eva Perón, but was forced to cancel because of the immense pain. By Thursday, Perrelli was still suffering from aches and pains in the wake of the accident, constantly tired and weak as a result of the painkillers she has had to take : "I have this constant dull ache the whole time, but tablets help against that. The concussion however is the worst, feeling constantly tired and not feeling as strong as I usually do. I’m so tired the whole time and that’s something that neither I or anyone else can do something about."
The dedicated singer is concerned that the damage after the accident can be permanent. As she expressed in the interview: "I don’t know what the future will bring. Even if the pain goes away, it may come back in one, two or even five year’s time. Noone knows how things will turn out", she confides in the tabloid. Charlotte Perrelli is supposed to be playing the main role of Eva Perón at the Malmö City Theatre in September. he star now has to work her way through the agony in order to carry on with rehearsals. "I have three rehearsals next week. This is the last thing I needed right now, talk about a stroke of bad luck", she says "I was at the naprapath both yesterday and the day before. It is vital that i move my neck as much as possible. All i can do is keep my fingers crossed", she told Expressen.