Albania has announced the 32 acts that will compete in the Festivali i Kenges over 23, 24 and 25 December. As EuroVisionary revealed last week Kejsi Tola will return. Also, Dorina Garuci and Onanta Spahiu will take part in the festival again.
16 songs from established acts will take part in 2 semi finals. There will also be 3 new acts added to each semi final. 16 acts will qualify for the final and 2 newcomers will qualify too.
The 32 establised acts taking part will be –
1 Adhurim Demiri 24 Oret
2 Alban Skenderaj & Miriam Cani Ende ka shprese
3 Besa Kokedhima E bukura dhe bisha
4 Blerina Shalari Lutjes apo dashurise
5 Denis Hasa Mbi xhaketen time
6 Dorian Nini Mire se vini ne Shqiperi
7 Dorina Garuci Mirembrema engjelli im
8 Emi Bogdo Leter per ty
9 Enkeleda Arifi Nje dashuri
10 Entela Zhula Loje ne dashuri
11 Ernis Cili & Onanta Spahiu FAM
12 Etmond Mancaku Dashuri pas emrit
13 Francesk Radi Kemi dasem`o
14 Goldi Halili Ne krahet e tua
15 Heldi Kraja E diela pa ty
16 Herci Matmuja Me cilin rri ti dashuri
17 Kamela Islamaj Jetova per ty
18 Kejsi Tola Prane
19 Klajdi Musabelliu Vetem ti
20 Kujtim Prodani Ti Ishe Kryeveper
21 Linda Halimi Nuk e kam pritur
22 Marjeta Billo Perjetesi
23 Marsida Saraci Vetem s`jemi ne bote
24 Mateus Froku Dimer ne shpirt
25 NRG Band Mina
26 Orges Toce Mari
27 Selami Kolonja Marmara
28 Sajmir Braho Shtegetar i jetes time
29 Aurela Gace Te kam prane
30 Sonila Mara Egoist
31 Xhejsi Jorgaqi Rastesi
32 Humus – S`ka
The 6 new acts are Shpat Deda, Albi Xhepa, Maria Prifti, Ilir Kazaferi, Megi Laska and Rudina Delea.
Last year Albania were represented by Juliana Pasha with It’s All About You.