Albania held the 2nd semi final to select the 9 more songs to progress to the final of the Festivali i Kenges. The big surprise is the 2009 representative, Kejsi Tola, did not qualify to the final.
The songs that qualified for the final on 25 December 2010 are –
1. Besa Kokedhima E bukura ka shpresë
2. Denis Hasa Mbi xhaketen time
3. Goldi Halili Në krahët e tua
4. Françesk Radi Kemi dasem`o
5. Aurela Gaçe Kenga ime
6. Xhejsi Jorgaqi Rastësi
7. Enkelejda Arifi Nje Dashuri
8. Saimir Braho Shtegëtar i jetës time
9. Albi Xhepa & Semi Jaupaj Dritë new artists