Only three days before the final of Cyprus’ Eurovision Song Project, the only duet in the contest found some time among their rehearsals to talk to us. Nearchos and Charis compete in Sunday’s final of the cypriot selection with their ballad Deila Den Agapo.
- You’re both very young and you have already achieved a lot of things in music. Nearchos, you were second in the Cypriot talent show Get On Stage some years ago and you have already released your first CD single composed by your self while you, Charis, have already participated at Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2008 for Cyprus. Why have you decided to participate in this year’s selection in Cyprus?
Nearchos: We still can’t believe that we in such a short time since we decided to take part in the competition now have reached the final. After the suggestion from our choreographer Antigoni Tasouris, I turned the song in a duet and Harris was my first thought to be my partner as we worked together again in the past and I knew her skills.
- Your song is the only one in the final that is a duet, the only one with greek lyrics and the only one half of it sung by a female voice. Do you think that all these things give you an advantage?
Charris: We believe that it is necessary that it is in Greek as it is important to present our culture in competitions like this. It is for us a great surprise that there are no other women in the final and that might give us an advantage.
- Tell us a little bit about your song? How was it made and what is it about?
Nearchos: The music and lyrics of the song are written by myself, while the production of the song has been made by Beke Dimos (Cyprus 1993). I wrote the song in a difficult moment of my life and tried to express my thoughts and my feelings on paper. The truth is that I didn’t intend to send it to Eurovision. The song express emotions can anyone feel after a disappointment and is structured in a way that you can easily identify with it.
- Cyprus usually doesn’t quallify for the final in Eurovision, has never won and it is 10 years since they last time reached the top10 in the contest. Do you think that your song can make the difference this year for your country? Why do you think people should vote for you?
Charris: We talk on stage with the voice of the our hearts. Despite our young age we serious, we have the seriousness is need to represent our country in a contest like Eurovision. We are real, down to earth and so we want to remain We hope that our song will touch the people, and they will believe in the capabilities of our song like we do.
- Which question that I didn’t ask you, would you like to ask yourself and what will the answer be?
Nearchos: I would like to say about my new song Dinami. My new single was created for the new campaign of the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family about Bullying and Healthy Relationships. The song is composed by Andreas Anastasiou and Nalle Ahlstedt and written by Stavros Stavrou. Dinami is also available on iTunes. It talks about the real power, the one we all hide inside us, and is supposed to wake the young people up, emitting the message that in hard times, people must seek the help of their friends.
You can watch Deila Den Agapo, Nearchos and Charris candidate song in the Cypriot Eurovision Final below and EuroVisionary would like to wish them both the best of luck on Sunday: