After Friday nights dress rehearsal EuroVisionary talked to three of the artists about their performances and expectations for tomorrow’s semi-final. Alcazar, Marie Serneholt, Nina Söderquist found time to talk to us.
Many of the artists have been holding back during this afternoons rehearsals but that is simply not an option for Alcazar. Lina Hedlund says: ”Every performance is a first for the audience and you always want to give them a great show”. They are really looking forward to tomorrow’s live show. ”It will be so much fun to show off the number, the song, the clothes…yes, simply everything it’s fantastic” Andreas Lundstedt adds. About the new voting procedures with head to head battles they say ”Of course it’s a little bit more nervous for us, but it will be great tv and much more exciting for the audience”.
Marie Serneholt had no plans on holding back during tonight’s rehearsal. She was really excited afterwards: ”It was so much fun! It was almost like the real tv-show” she said. She adds: ”I’m very happy with tonight’s performance and if I’m this happy with the performance tomorrow I will be satisfied whatever the result is. But of course you want to go through to the final cause this is so much fun”. She agrees with Alcazar that the new voting procedure makes it more exciting for the viewers but that it will make the artists more nervous.
Nina Söderquist doesn’t think either that it’s an option to hold back at rehearsal. ”It was nice to do it for real this time with all the camera men running back and forth and to do it on time. It felt like it was the real tv-show”. About her expectations for tomorrow’s live show she sats: ”I really want to go through to the final in Globen so I will do my very best and pray that it will be enough”. Nina does not seem to worry about the new voting procedure at all ”I think it will be fine”, she ends.
EuroVisionary tried to get an interview with Shirley Clamp during the press-conference after tonight’s dress rehearsal but since she has a little problem with her voice she left early. Hopefully it will all be fine for tomorrow night when it is the real thing.
We would like to thank Alcazar, Marie Serneholt and Nina Söderquist for taking their time to talk to us.