Dalal releases her first English song “Never Give Up”

Dalal Midhat, who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina at Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm last year, has released a new song titled Never Give Up. It’s her first release after the contest, and her first song recorded in English as well.

As the title says Never Give Up is a song about how important is to stay strong and fight your problems no matter how hard the battle gets. Only if you face your problems and put yourself first you will be able to make the progress.

Through this song Dalal is also telling her personal story about dealing with insulin resistance. 36 years old Bosnian singer further emphasizes that you have to believe in yourself and love yourself if you want other people to appreciate and love you. Furthermore you should never give up on your dreams and yourself even though you think that all the bad things only happen to you and people hurt you with their words.

Never Give Up contains one more important message as Dalal’s purpose with this song is to make people in Bosnia and Herzegovina aware of how important organ donation and transplanting are as these issues still need to be regulated by law in her native country.

Dalal has worked on this song since her participation at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, where she performed Ljubav Je together with Deen, Ana Rucner and Jala. Unfortunately the Bosnian team failed to qualify for the final finishing 11th in their semi-final. This was also the first time that Bosnia and Herzegovina didn’t appear in the grand final since the semi-finals were introduced back in 2004.

Never Give Up has been produced by the Tempo Studio Production, headed by Almir Ajanović, who also wrote and produced Ljubav Je and financed Bosnia and Herzegovina’s participation in Stockholm last year. A team of famous German songwriters has also been involved in making Dalal’s new song: Toni Cottura (who perviously worked with ‘N Sync, Bakcstreet Boys and P. Diddy), Torsten Abrolat, Toddi Reed and Jason Anousheh.

You can listen to Dalal’s song Never Give Up in the video below:

Source: Avaz
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