Simon Mathew stars in Eurovision Musical

Back in 2008 he represented Denmark at Eurovision in Belgrade, in 2015 Simon Mathew stars in the musical “Ein Bisschen Frieden” – a musical that features more than thirty eurovision songs.

A brand new Eurovision musical premiered at Aalborg Teater, Denmark, 1st of May 2015. The director, Minna Johannesson, has chosen nearly forty Eurovision songs, and together they tell a new – non-eurovision related – story. A story about a dysfunctional family who spends their summer holiday at a camping place somewhere in Europe – trying to save their marriage. According to the director, it’s a story about how difficult it can be to love each other a whole lifetime.

“It’s been a fun challenge to transform ‘Eurovision’ into something completely different. The point has been to take something familiar and make something totally new. I love Eurovision and the show has been made with the deepest respect,” says director Minna Johannesson in an interview with Radio Aalborg

One of the actors / singers in “Ein Bisschen Frieden” is Simon Mathew. In 2008 he sang “All Night Long” in Belgrade which ended at a 15th place. Since then he has become an actor and has among other places performed at the Royal Danish Theater.

The show features songs like “Boom Boom” (Denmark 1978), “Ein Bisschen Frieden” (Germanny 1982), “Stad i Ljus” (Sweden 1988), “Insieme 1992” (Italy 1990), “Molitva” (Serbia 2007), “Work Your Magic” (Belarus 2007),”Euphoria” (Sweden 2012), “Only Teardrops” (Denmark 2013) – all carefully chosen by director Minna Johannesson.

“Ein Bisschen Frieden” has received great reviews and has sold lots of tickets. And the director, Minna Johannesson, has been nominated for the most prestigious theater award in Denmark, a so called ‘Reumert’, for her direction of “Ein Bisschen Frieden”. The Reumert Award will be handed out 21st of June 2015.

Below you can watch a teaser from the show (“Boom Boom” – Denmark 1978)

Source: Aalborg Teater, Radio Aalborg
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