tATu decide to split

tATu represented Russia at the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest with Ne Ver Ne Boysia.  The girls had many international hits but now they have decided to split and launch solo careers.

tATu finished in 3rd place at the 2003 Eurovision in Riga, Latvia.  Even before entering Eurovision the girls, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova, were international smash hit artists.  They went to number one in several countries with All The Things She Said including the United Kingdom.  They had many top 20 hit singles and albums all over the world.

Now tATu have decided to go their separate ways and launch their own individual solo careers. 

First to release a single is Lena with the song Never Forget.  Her solo album will be released shortly.

You can see the official video for Never Forget below.  tATu‘s performance at Eurovision can also been seen below.


Source: www.esctoday.com; www.wikipedia.com
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