Swedish journalists gathered tonight at hotel Park Avenue in Gothenburg to listen to the eight songs that are going to participate in the second heat of Melodifestivalen 2013. EuroVisionary was there to find out what was on offer.
1: Anton Ewald – Begging
Just like last Saturday with David Lindgren, we are kicking off with an upbeat dance number. This song has a strong beat and it’s quite easy to hear that it’s not too far away from what Eric Saade entered in Melodifestivalen 2010 and 2011, but then again Fredrik Kempe also wrote both Eric songs and Antons song. Maybe it’s also a more americanised production compared to Kempes earlier songs, it has almost a bit Justin Timberlake over it. The words "Ahou what a feeling" are repeated over and over during the song in a quite effective way.
This must stand a good chance of qualifying to the final given that it has a good beat, a good hook and that there will be a number where the dancing on stage plays a major role. Antons looks will also help to win the teenage votes.
2: Felicia Olsson – Make Me No 1
This song sung by young and unmerited singer Felicia Olsson bears a strikingly similarity to Maria Haukaas Mittets (Storeng) Eurovision entry from 2008 Hold On Be Strong. Maria is also one of the composers behind this beautiful powerful song. Of course starting from number two is not optimal so she needs to nail the performance to go all the way. And if she does maybe we could be in for a surprise here?
3: Joacim Cans – Annelie
Heavy metal singer Joacim Cans from the band Hammefall surprises with singing a sing a long pop song to the sound of a guitar and with melody strings that almost reminds of the former Melodifestival participants Sarek. This is a triubte to swedish singer and songwriter Magnus Johansson who had a hit with Vakna nu Anneli in 1990. The song stands out in the way that it’s in a style that no one else sings in this heat but Joacims powerfull voice never comes to use and most people probably expected more than this from him. The song should be judged first when we see it on the stage but right now it feels like a harmless song with that will struggle to be in the top 5.
4: Swedish House Wives – On Top of the World
Pernilla Wahlgren, Hanna Hedlund and Jenny Silver – three wives who at some point in their past sang songs in Melodifestivalen with the typical sound that you often only hear when it comes to this contest. Now they have something completely differnt to offer. Think Lady Gaga. Think Edge of Glory. That’s the best way to described this modern song that has potential to be a dancefloor filler. The start of the song is very close to house music and a there’s catchy refrain that could bring the song into the top 4.
5: Erik Segerstedt & Tone Damli – Hello Goodbye
The songs starts with Erik singing solo to the sound of a guitar. Both singers join in for the refrain and then Tone and Erik sings different parts of the song alone while they both joins in for the refrain. A soft song that feels harmless and to be top 5 they will have to rely on their stage present and charisma which they both have a lot of.
6: Louise Hoffsten – Only The Dead Fish Follow The Stream
Louise is an appreciated singer who fought the disease MS for many years and who probably has many supporters among the older generations and those are probably going to be her target group if she wants to end top 5 with this song that has a bit of a feeling of Anna Bergendals This Is My Life over it but maybe a bit rockier. Louise has also a more powerfull voice compared to Annas more fragile voice.
7: Rikard Wolff – En förlorad sommar
The start of the song reminds quite a lot of the polish Eurovision 2003 Keine Grenzen with the group Ich Troje. Rikards calm voice sings a slow song with melancholic lyrics. A piano is playing in the background. A female singer, Sara Isaksson, joins in during the later part of the song. This song stands out but is also very hard to predict the outcome of.
8: Sean Banan – Copacabanana
This song has the refrain that will most likely stick to your mind after you have heard all the songs. It’s goes in the same fast upbeat style as Seans song from last years Melodifestival, Sean den förste banan. The song uses a lot of poor rhyming but you can’t help to smile at it (if you have that kind of humour). Last years song was a big favourite among the children and a big crazy show number is to be expected. Starting from last won’t do any harm and top 2 feels likely. What could work against it is that the song quickly becomes repetive, but then again that’s also often a winning formula in the contest.
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