Day two in Gothenburg and today we got to see the artists rehears in the clothes they will wear on saturday’s semi final. This was also the last chance for the artists to make changes in their performances before the first public dressrehearsal tonight.
Read EuroVisionary’s report about yesterday’s rehearsal here.
Song number 1: Anton Ewald – Begging
(Fredrik Kempe and Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad)
During the first run throughs yesterday Anton seemed really nervous and had a hard time finding the right key to sing in. Today he seems much more comfortable, relaxed and smiling from the first steps on the catwalk. On Saturday Anton will walk the catwalk to Beyonce’s song Single ladies . During yesterdays rehearsal it was quiet obvious that Anton held back a lot on the singing and he did today as well. Judging from what you can hear in the arena Anton sings well but the choir standing backstage takes a lot of the harder parts of the song. During the last run through Anton practised a somersault that he didn’t do during any of the other rehearsals. During the rehearsal yesterday he only took a little leap with looked kind of strange since he has a lot of advanced choreography. Anton wears black pants, a white t-shirt and a black suit jacket. His dancers wears black pants, white shirts and black leather jackets.
Song number 2: Felicia Olsson – Make Me No 1
(Amir Aly, Henrik Wikström, Ingela Pling Forsman and Maria Haukaas Mittet)
On yesterday’s rehearsal Felicia seemed really shy and didn’t really connect with the audience as much as she should to really reach out to the viewers at home. If she trusts her own talent, cause she is very talented, she could be a dangerous competitor on Saturday. Felicia makes her walk on the catwalk to Alicia Keys song Girl on fire.
On today’s rehearsal the artists rehearses with Saturday’s clothes on and Felicia seems much more secure with her dress on and suddenly the emotions that was missing yesterday are there. But to really connect with the viewers she needs to look into the cameras even more. Felicia wears a black long dress with feather decorations om the right shoulder and a huge vent in the front of the dress which is given a nice effect by a wind machine. The choir is hidden behind the big yellow lights on stage and are all dressed in black. You can catch a glimpse of them from time to time.
Song number 3: Joacim Cans – Annelie
(Joacim Cans)
Even though Joacim Cans is a debutant in Melodifestivalen he has a lot of routine from other TV-productions like Körslaget and in addition to that he also has routine from years of touring with Hammerfall. As he doesn’t need to focus on finding the camera angles and what to do and when he can really use the rehearsals to put the finishing touch to the performance. Joacim walks the catwalk to Of monsters and men’s song Little talks. Joacim really seems to enjoy the rehearsal and smiles both on stage during his performance and in between the rehearsals. It’s a pity that Joacim wears a cap which shadows his face in all the close ups of his face and kind of ruins the image a little bit. All of the guys in his band wears white shirts and black pants, the girl in the choir wears a red dress with black dots and a black belt around the waist.
Joacim himself wears a blue shirt, black waistcoat, black pants and a blue cap.
Song number 4: Swedish House Wives – On Top of the World
(Peter Boström and Thomas G:son)
This is a really powerful and energetic song and the three girls has amazing voices. But that didn’t stop the performance to partially be very messy on yesterdays rehearsal.
The Swedish House Wives walks the catwalk to a very familiar song for Eurovision Song Contest fans, it’s Buranovskiye Babushki’s Party for everybody.
The trio managed to clean the performance a lot since yesterday and it looks much better now. A legitimate question is why they need to be so many on stage, Hanna, Pernilla and Jenny could easily have done a great performance by themselves. Now the girls block each other and it just looks like they didn’t think it through. The House Wives uses a wind machine in their performance which causes problems for Pernilla who gets her hair in her face on several occasions. Pernilla wears a green sparkly dress, Jenny wears sparkly black shorts and a sparkly black corset. Hanna wears a golden dress. The dancers all wears golden pants, sweaters and shoes.
Song number 5: Erik Segerstedt & Tone Damli – Hello Goodbye
(Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson and Måns Zelmerlöw)
Both Erik and Tone seemed very secure and relaxed during the rehearsal yesterday. They seem relaxed and to enjoy working together. They walk the catwalk to Icona Pop’s song We got the world.
Between the rehearsals Tone and Erik discusses with each other which positions they should have while they are singing. Today the chemistry between the two are much better than yesterday. They are also looking at each other much more and touches each other from time to time. Erik wears black pants, a black jacket and a white t-shirt and Tone wears a white dress.
Song number 6: Louise Hoffsten – Only The Dead Fish Follow The Stream
(Louise Hoffsten, Sandra Bjurman and Stefan Örn)
Another one of this weeks very experienced artist who does another perfect rehearsal. Louise walks the catwalk to The Staple Singers song Everybody will be happy.
In the mid 90’s Louise was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and she is therefore unable to move around too much on stage. This of course means that there is not much going on on stage during her performance, she is depending a little on that the performance will be well produced and that the camera angles will make it come alive. And fortunately the performance is well produced and looks really good on screen. There are also a lot of close ups at Louise’s face which gives her the opportunity to really connect with the viewers. Louise is wearing black pants and a sparkly black suit jacket and what looks like a black waist coat underneath it. The girls in the choir both wear black dresses. The only guy in the choir wears black pants and a black suit coat.
Song number 7: Rikard Wolff – En förlorad sommar
(Tomas Andersson Wij)
During yesterday’s rehearsals it took a couple of run throughs before you could really feel the emotions that he wanted to display.
Rikard walks the catwalk to Vargsången (The wolf song) from Astrid Lindgren’s Ronja robbersdaughter. The black and white pictures projected and which the viewers see are projected onto the cover on the grand piano. A technical difficulty with the in ear monitor makes Rikard cut the second run through short, they however seem to solve the problems fairly quick. The images on the cover of the grand piano really makes Rikard’s performance come alive. Rickard wears a black suit with a black waist coat underneath.
Song number 8: Sean Banan – Copacabanana
(Sean Banan, Ola Lindholm, Hans Blomberg and Joakim Larsson)
Crazy, crazy, crazy. But funny, funny, funny. It’s hard not to go bananas when you see Sean Banan’s performance. His rehearsals yesterday was very good, there was just a few of the technical elements that needed to be worked out. During today’s rehearsal the technique seemed to work as planned and the performance is really spectacular. Since yesterday they also added one more costume change in the end of the performance where Sean is wearing a giant diaper. During the rehearsal Sean didn’t walk the catwalk himself, he sent a representative to do it for him. The representative walked the catwalk to The Rocky Fanfare. Sean starts off with a white pants and a white jacket with bananas on the back and a white cap and then changes into pink clothes with sparkles. In the end he tears off his the pink clothes and only have the giant diaper on. His dancers starts out with black clothes and then changes into pink and neon green clothes.