First 161 songs were cut down to 62 which have now been cut down to 24 songs that will participate in the Maltese semi-final, which has been moved to the 3rd of February. Still in the running to represent his country at the Eurovision Song Contest for the third time is Fabrizio Faniello.
The Maltese broadcaster recieved 161 songs when it was looking for the song that will be representing Malta at the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan. A jury cut down the number of songs to 62 that went on to perform live infront of the jury. That stage has now taking place furthermore cutting the field down to 24 songs ready for the semi-final.
Aside from several former national finalist one former Eurovision Song Contest participant is left still with the chance to make it to Baku. Fabrizio Faniello represented his country for the first time in 2001 where he finished 9th in Copenhagen with Another Summer Night. In 2006 he was back, but coming last in the final with I Do.
Also left in the competition is Gerard James Borg, who has written the lyrics for five Maltese Eurovision Song Contest entries in the period from 2000 to 2008.
The 24 songs to compete in the semi-final on the 3rd of February are:
Amber – Answers With Your Eyes (Ray Agius & Alfred C. Sant)
Anna Azzopardi – Still Waiting (Samuel Bugia Garrido & Thanassi Nakos)
Annalise Ellul – Whoop It Up! (Elton Zarb & Deo Grech)
Claudia Faniello – Pure (Philip Vella & Gerard James Borg)
Corazon Mizzi – Mystifying Eyes (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
Danica Muscat – 7 Days (Philip Vella)
Deborah C feat. Leila James – You Make Me Go UH UH (Patrick Reiner & David Vervoort)
Dorothy Bezzina – Autobiography (Eman Muscat & Gerard James Borg)
Eleanor Cassar – I Want To Run Away (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
Fabrizio Faniello – I Will Fight For You (Papa’s song)
Francesca Borg – Take Me Far (Marco Debono & Doris Chetcuti)
Gianni Zammit – Petals On A Rose
Isabelle Zammit – Walk On Water (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
Janice Mangion – While Her Eyes Still Glow (Elton Zarb & Rita Pace)
Janvil – You Are My Life (Janvil)
Jessica Muscat – Dance Romance (Philip Vella & Jessica Muscat)
Kaya – First Time (Gorgi Kalpadikis)
Klinsmann – No Way Back (Paul Abela, Klinsmann & Jonathan C. Spiteri)
Kurt Calleja – This Is The Night (Johann J’amtberg & Kurt Calleja)
Lawrence Gray – In Your Eyes (Philip Vella & Cher Vella)
Nadine Bartolo – Can’t get away (Philip Vella)
Richard Edwards – Look At Me Now (Richard Micallef & Jan Van Dijck)
Romina Mamo – D.N.A. (Gerard James Borg)
Wayne Micaleff – Time (Wayne Micallef)
In the semi-final the 24 songs will be cut down to 16 that will compete in the final the day after, on the 4th of February. Malta has not managed to reach the final of the Eurovision Song Contest for the last two years where Thea Garrett and Glen Vella represented them.