Former Dutch entrant Glennis Grace is experiencing something of a career revival of late in her home country. The versatile singer has just scored the biggest hit of her career with a cover version of the song Afscheid (Farewell) but has at the same time ended up in a rather tricky situation.
Following Glennis‘ failure to qualify to the final for the Netherlands in 2005 with My Impossible Dream, her career experienced something of a downturn. The recent revival of her fortunes however, in addition to the success of her single, includes the release of her latest album, One Night Only, out in the Netherlands this week. Glennis’ problems started however when she recently ontracted a cold and started to lose her voice, leading to her doctor imposing talking restrictions on the young star: "She is somewhat hoarse, so she’s not able to give 100% when singing", her manager Leander Maas has stated.
He goes on further to underline that the situation at present is not that serious: "following medical advice, Glennis will talk as little as possible, as even whispering puts her voice under strain. Hopefully this will ensure an amazing performance at the Toppers’ concerts at the Amsterdam Arena on Friday, Saturday and Sunday". Glennis is due to perform alongside other guest artists in the Toppers’ series of concerts, including artists such as Leonie Meijer, K3, Jan Smit and Los Angeles the Voices. It is also rumoured that the winner of the "Search for the 5th Topper" will also make an appearance at some point during the three concerts.
Fingers crossed that the girl with the golden tonsils makes a speedy recovery in time for the first concert on Friday.
Glennis Grace Official Website (english)
Glennis Grace Official Website (dutch)