When Danish broadcaster, DR, Friday evening kicked off for the first live show of their new programme "Skjulte Stjerner" it was with A Friend In London’s Tim Schou singing duet with Gry’s 13 year old son. There was little doubt that they are among the favourites to win.
In the first episode of Skjulte Stjerner, broadcasted last Friday, the 8 well known singers, including Tim Schou, were visiting potential duet partners all around in the country in order to find the one they wanted to work together with. Where all the others went out to two or three Tim Schou only went to see a particular 13 year old boy, Thomas. He said that this was the only one out of the several hundreds videos he had seen that had exactly what he was looking for. So for Tim it was just about convincing Thomas to take part. He was a slightly bit worried that he would say that he did not want to be on stage with a Grand Prix singer, but luckely he said yes.
What was not shown in the first programme was that the 13 year old Thomas is the son of Gry, who represented Denmark at the 1983 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Kloden Drejer. Tonight her son sang Katy Perry’s Fireworks on stage together with Tim Shou. Gry was in the audience watching it.
During the performance the TV viewers with a computer or a smartphone with internet connection near by was able to comment on what they saw. Aside from a few not quite satisfied with their outfit it was all positive comments they recieved. The time that went after all 8 performances and to the closing of the voting gave a clear indication of something totally outstanding – or Tim Schou’s fanclub at work as one message after the other like "Vote TT", "Tim and Thomas were the best" and "TT can not be out, they are the winners" ticked in on DR’s website. 9 out of 10 support messages were in favour of Tim Schou and Thomas, whose last name is Meilstrup after his dad, composer Per Meilstrup.
Who Tim Schou is up against in Skjulte Stjerner you can read about in our previous article, which also included more information about the programme. The first to leave the programme was Marie Frank and her "hidden star" Jonas. Three couples were in the danger zone and Tim and Thomas was not among them.
There isn’t yet a video available of their performance from last night, but until then you can be refreshed on how it looked when Thomas’ mother Gry represented Denmark in 1983.