Rumours have been abounding lately surrounding the possible participation of ageing popstar/actor David Hasselhoff at next year’s Eurovision Song Contest. Only last week, British tabloid The Sun claimed that Hasselhoff was one of two hotly tipped acts to follow in the footsteps of Blue, the other being the Spice Girls.
This week however, the story takes a new twist according to Dutchn daily, De Telegraaf. Despite having no connection with the country, the David Hasselhoff has apparently expressed a keen interest in attempting to win the hearts of the Dutch public at the Nationaal Songfestival, singing a duet with none other than Glennis Grace.
Glennis Grace, as many of you may remember, has already one Eurovision experience under her belt, when she sang My Impossible Dream, failing to take the Netherlands out of the semi final in 2005. She has however become a huge household name in her native Holland recently, following her smash hit Afscheid. Could this be just what Hasselhoff needs to win over the voting audience?
Earlier last week, the former Baywatch star stated emphatically that he indeed was not intending to participate. Exactly what has managed to change his mind is unknown, though he wasted no time in specifying that top of his wishlist was to perform a duet with Glennis Grace. According to Irish composer Niall Mooney (Etcetera, It’s For You, Ireland 2009 & 2010), 59 year old Hasselhoff is convinced that he can restore the flailing Dutch fortunes : "I let him hear work by Glennis Grace, and his reaction was overwhelming. Let’s hope Glennis reacts just as positively." If the rumours prove to have any sustenance, it mark the musical comeback of Hasselhoff, who enjoyed major success in central Europe (notably German speaking countries) in the late 80’s with amongst others, his monster hit Looking For Freedom.