Last night the Andorran people had the excitement of a national final to choose their favourite song to be performed at Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow this year.
The Andorran broadcaster RTVA anoounced the three names and songs to be compete at this years Andorran final. The three songs have been chosed by an expert jury. Last night, those three songs have been performed to take "Passaport a Moscou". Songs were performed with this order:
1. Susanna Georgi – La Teva Decisió
2. Mar Capdevilla – Passió Obsessive
3. Lluis Cartes – Exhaust
The results were decided by jury and a televote, it was 50-50 split. Susanne Georgi won the ticket to Moscow for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. The results are:
JURY (50%)
47%: Susanna Georgi – La Teva Decisió
30%: Lluis Cartes – Exhaust
23%: Mar Capdevilla – Passió Obsessive
66%: Susanna Georgi – La Teva Decisió
21%: Lluis Cartes – Exhaust
13%: Mar Capdevilla – Passió Obsessive
Susanna Georgi , whose real name is Susanne, is 31 years old singer who mostly appeared with her sister as duo Me & My. As it will be remembered Susanne and her sister participated with the song Two Are Stronger Than One and came sixth in the 2007 Danish national final.
You can watch the video of La Teva Decisió below: