18 acts and Carola confirmed for Eurovision In Concert

Yesterday the organisers were able to present three former Eurovision winner Carola as a special guest performer for Eurovision In Concert. A total of 18 participants are so far confirmed as well for the preview party to be held in Amsterdam on the 13th of April. 

This year Carola is celebrating her 30 years anniversary for her first Eurovision entry; Främling. With two more participations in 1991 and 2006 she has become somewhat of an icon for many, but also disliked by just as many for her many controversial statements. Her only Eurovision victory came in 1991 in a close race with France, but Fångad Av En Stormvind ended up winning when digging more into the points.

For Eurovision In Concert she will be a special guest star. And who knows if she might steal the focus from this year’s participants. 18 of them are confirmed to be coming to Amsterdam on the 13th of April.

The confirmed 2013 participants:

Country: Participant: Song:
Georgia  Nodi & Sophie  Waterfall
Russia  Dina Garipova  What If 
San Marino  Valentina Monetta  Crisalide 
Greece  Koza Mostra & Agathonas Iakovidis  Alcohol Is Free 
Bulgaria  Elitsa & Stoyan  Samo Shampioni 
Croatia  Klapa s Mora  Mižeria 
Ukraine  Zlata Ognevich  Gravity 
Austria  Natália Kelly  Shine 
Ireland  Ryan Dolan  Only Love Survives 
Lithuania  Andrius Pojavis  Something 
Belgium  Roberto Bellarosa  Love Kills 
Malta  Gianluca  Tomorrow 
Albania  Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko  Identitet 
Finland  Krista Siegfrids  Marry Me 
France  Amandine Bourgeois  L’Enfer Et Moi 
Switzerland  Takasa  You And Me 
FYR Macedonia  Esma Redzepova & Vlatko Lozanoski  Pred Da Se Razden
Belarus  Alyona Lanskaya  Solayoh 

You might also like to read:   

– Summary from Head of Delegation meeting today

– London’s Eurovision party returns for 2013 

Source: Eurovision In Concert, EuroVisionary
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