Patrick Ouchene Talks With EuroVisionary

Patrick Ouchene will represent Belgium in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the song Copycat. He loves the style from the past, he loves making a hairstyle from the past, he has a special voice, so many people compare him with Elvis Presley. So what has he to say about it and his performance?

What does the Eurovision Song Contest mean to you?

Well, when I was a kid, I used to watch it with my familly. Then I lost interest in that, and for the last 6 months, I’ve discovered this world again. It is more aggressive than the 80’s, more sex, more techno, more music.

What did you want to "say" with song Copycat?

It’s a song about an imitator of ‘the king’ who thinks Elvis copied him, it’s a surrealist and fun topic from Belgium humor.

How long have you been into music?

20 years, and my main influence is rockabilly, country, blues, and lot of jaz.

People compare you with Elvis Presley. Is he your idol?

Well I like Elvis, of course, his early 50’s music and style. He was the first rockabilly singer and he left history with a rebel image. But I’m not an imitator or something, I sing with a different band mainly running wild, who will play in Moscow and in St Petersburg in a rockabilly event. It’s true that I always dress in a 50’s style, and get my hair greasy like him, but I like that.

Who worked on your song and choreography?

Joelle Maurane and for style – me.

Do you think that Belgium will be more lucky this year in the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, than last one in Belgrade?

I think there is a jury to give a more professional view, we’ve got a catchy song, and also some innovation with the cartoon cat dancing on the screen. I think that people will love it.

Le chat is quite a known comic figure and doesn’t have much to do with an Elvis impersonator. How did it happen that this figure become a part of the song?

It was an idea we had to complete the Belgian project. Belgium is well known for good chocolate, the cartoon and the bear, so on stage we will have a French speaking man, a Flemish, a Brussels man and a cartoon disguised as Elvis.

Which song (country) do you also like from this Eurovision Song Contest 2009?

I met Spanish Soraya, and I think she will get good score. I like Norway, Germany and the Serbian guy is very funny.

Rehearsals have started, so how do you feel? Are you happy, nervious, tired?

You know, I’ve done this for three months every day; promo, TV, radio, newspapers, plus rehearsal here, so I’m quite hapy because I am here.

Which question that I didn’t ask you, would you like to ask yourself, and what your answer will be?

I want to say something, I think that Eurovision is very nice and good way for meeting people from Europe. I wish that the future of the contest will give a big come back to the music world, more good music and good artists, and not too much of an extravaganza show, and maybe less political. I wish the people would vote for the song and music, not for the country next to them.

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