Interview: Jasmyn Lombard

Jasmyn Lombard is another popular South African singer who has covered some Eurovision songs.   Jasmyn has just released her debut album and she talks to EuroVisionary about her career and the Eurovision Song Contest.

 Hello Jasmyn

Hi there! I hope at the end of this conversation that you will know a little bit more about my album, what my goals in life are, and what I dream about. I am very greatful for the opportunity of sharing it with you.

You have recorded some Eurovision songs on your new album. Could you tell us about those songs?

I have had the privilege to record two Eurovision songs. It’s For You from Ireland, sung originally by Niamh Kavanagh in 2010, is one of the songs, and it really touched my heart, deep musically. I had it translated and recorded the song in Afrikaans and is called Dit is vir jou. My producer, Johan Heystek, uniquely arranged it by adding a Zulu Choir and musical arrangement feel to colour the song to a truly South African background. I’m extremely excited to perform this heart-warming song as a part of my repertoire, whilst touring this year.

The other Eurovision song I recorded is I Don’t Wanna Leave from Poland, sung Lidia Kopania in 2009. I once again had the song translated the song to Afrikaans and is called By jou wil ek bly. It’s a true nostalgic love song, with a pop "vibe" and a colourful arrangement. Could you also tell us about the other songs on your new album and what style of songs they are?

My aim was to create a distinguished variety on the album that varies from Light-Classical, Classical Rock-Pop, Pop and its share of Celtic.

The album consists of 13 songs, of which 7 are newly written, 2 Eurovision songs and 4 cover songs. 7 songs are done in Afrikaans and 6 in English.

If I could describe the CD I would say that the songs on the album aim is to touch the heart and the soul deeply. Music that would connect deep and pull the listeners into their own being and have impact.

One particular song on my album which I would like to highlight is Track number 2, which is an old South African hit song by Karin Hougaard and written by top performing artist Steve Hofmeyr. Once again, producer, Johan Heystek creatively transformed this song and arranged it into a unique Classical Rock Experience, which I cannot wait to experience the reaction of the listeners. I truly think they are going to love this.

What plans do you have to promote the album?

Life is about relationships and as new artist I’m looking forward to building solid, deep relationships with co-artists, media (digital, radio, magazines, television) and most importantly my audience. I’m also looking forward to extending my relationship through Eurovision to international resources.

I’m extremely excited to start sharing the songs, through performance. I’m looking forward to travel, both locally in South Africa and international.

We’ve just launched my first music video, which is in the process of being submitted to all local Television Stations, beginning 2011. This music video is already available for viewing on my facebook page. ( and also on my ReverbNation account ( All future concerts will also be posted to this two mainline digital media sites.

How did you get started in the music business?

I received voice training as a school student, but only realised in my final year of school that music really is my true deepest passion and I want to go and pursue my dream. From there on I took my voice training much more seriously and I’m loving every moment of it.

Have you released any previous albums?

This is my debut album, so it’s my very first which I worked very seriously on.

Production was carefully planned, dreamed and orchestrated for over a year and the entire production team went the extra mile. Johan Heystek and the MasterMax team did an incredible job and together created a world-standard product. Many thanks to them.

Before the album I recorded demos of songs to test my progress and to have a little fun.

Have you watched the Eurovision Song Contest? If so, do you have any favourite songs from the contest?

We followed the Eurovision Contest on internet, and we were very pleased with the talent of artists and the quality of the songs. I wish though that South-Africa could have had the privilege to watch it on television. That would have been awesome.

My favourite songs are It’s For You of Ireland 2010 sung by Niamh Kavanagh. It is a beautiful song that encouraged people.

Another song is Shine from Georgia, sung by Sofia Nizharadze and My Dream from Malta 2010 by Thea Garett.

Would you like to sample the Eurovision experience yourself by attending a contest?

That would be an amazing experience for me. would definitely love to attend a contest of Eurovision. The excellence and the professionalism of the Eurovision Creative Team involved in the production is truly inspiring.

Who are your musical influences?

Since childhood, Enya, with her beautiful creative music mesmerised my musical heart, my dream world and creative side. I am grateful to have been exposed to performing artists like herself. For the last few years of my life another two artists started occupying my listening space, which are Sarah Brightman and Josh Groban. Both of these two extraordinary artists, now have a big influence on my singing and my dreams. I do acknowledge them as mentors in my career and it would be a great honour to one day meet them, and if I can be so blunt to dream about the possibility of performing with them. (smile).

Have you made any promo videos? Are there any video clips of you on You Tube?

Yes, my YouTube channel is active at

Both my EPK and music video of Sonder jou, wat nou will be online mid-January.

My music video is viewable on my facebook page

So people are welcome to join my YouTube Channel to stay current on all the Digital Developments and releases.

Would you ever consider the possibility of representing a country at the Eurovision Song Contest if the chance would arise?

I would definitely consider it, that would be a huge honour for me and surely would be a highlight in my life and music career. South Africa, as you’ve experienced from the world cup is a country with colourful cultures and its such an honour to be a part of such a multi-cultural country. To represent South Africa would be a great honour. Finally, is there a question that I have not asked you that you would like to ask yourself, and what would your answer be? It would be "What is the title of my album and will I visit Germany for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011?"

The title of my album Jy wens jy kon sê , in English means, You wish you could have said. The title is the summary of all the contents of the songs on the CD. My CD is available to my overseas audience on ReverbNation Store and will soon be launched on ITunes.

I am planning to visit Germany, Dusseldorf during the Eurovision song contest from 2nd to 12th May 2011. I hope to meet with people in the music industry and identifying songs that I can cover in the future and to hopefully meet some Eurovision fans.

Thank you, Jasmyn.  Good luck with everything.

I want to thank EuroVisionary for all their support.  Thank you.

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