Elena Gheorghe Speaks About “The Balkan Girls”

Elena Gheorghe is the Romanian representative in this years Eurovision Song Contest. She will compete in the first semifinal which will take place on 12 May in Moscow. EuroVisionary has managed to talk with Elena about how the Balkan Girls are having fun and how they are preparing for the Moscow show.

How are The Balkan Girls having fun?

The Balkan Girls are optimistic, strong, talented and beautiful, but at the same time are sensitive and romantic girls, so the fun is the joy that is offered by a good song, and the dance is essential foar a great feeling.

What is the story of song, The Balkan Girls?

The Balkan Girls was born from my desire to participate at Eurovision. Shortly before entering the contest, I contacted my music producer, Laurentiu Duta, and I asked him to compose a special song for this competition. After a week, he called me and he sung me the chorus. I was very confident that this song will have a great chance of success. In the Romanian National Final, it was a great success, and now I pray the same will happen in Moscow.

What will the show that you are preparing for Moscow be like? Can you give us more details about it?

I can’t give details, but I will assure you that we have contributed with all our forces, imagination, ideas and of course, the talent of people who really know what a "show" means.

What is the song or singer that you fear the most in this competition?

In a competition, I start from the premise that the biggest enemy is myself, and the biggest critic of mine is me….and everything depends on the show and you. From another point of view, this year is a very strong and close competition because there are many good songs, but I wish only that my performance will wake up an optimistic feeling for everybody and want to share my pleasure and love for my music to everybody that is watching the show. If you have managed to convince through interpretation, dance and scenograph, then for sure the public and the jury they will appreciate you.

Have you listened to the songs of the other participating countries this year? How, in your opinion, is the competition this year?

Very good tracks! Artists with real vocal qualities and promises of real shows. It will indeed be a fierce competition for sure, but I prefer to focus very much on what I will do on the stage.

Do you trust in The Balkan Girls song? Do you think that you will give a great performance in Moscow?

I am optimistic and I will do my best with all my power for an interpretation and a show exactly like I have proposed. I wish with all my soul to represent with honour my country, and to get a result with which I can be proud.

Romania is performing in the first semifinal in 14th position. Do you think it is a favourable position for you?

I don’t know how important the position is for a participant in the competition. I know only that you have three minutes at your disposal to convince the public and the jury that you have a good song, show and interpretation and you deserve a good ranking.

What are the competitors that have attracted your attention this year? What songs do you like?

I like very much the Norway song, Turkey and Greece. As I said, it will be a close and strong competition and the best one will win.

How do you feel knowing that you represent your country, Romania, at the Eurovision Song Contest? Do you have emotions?

We the singers, we don’t often have the chance to represent our country, because there are not so many types of this competition, so I feel very proud and I want to use this opportunity to prove what I can do. 

Emotions are vital for those who make music, because without emotions, you can’t transmit anything ….I am talking about the constructive emotions.

Will you be accompanied in Moscow by the same beautiful girls that we saw in the Romanian Final?

Yes. On the stage it will be the same formula, but with a new solist as a backing vocal. Lucia Dumitrescu is her name, a very talented girl, with numerous prizes in national competitions. She has an exceptional voice.

Do you think that reintroducing the specialist jury this year will bring advantages for Romania? What comments have you about this EBU decision?

It seems to me a wise step and I agree entirely with this decision. I believe that the jury and viewers should take part equally in the final decision, regarding the winner of the Eurovision.

Do you rely on the votes from the Balkan countries?

YES! But most of all, I am counting on me that I will do my best and that my song will send all the people soul, whether they come from Balkan countries or not.

How is Romania promoting the song? What countries have you visited?

We are trying our best to do everything possible for our song will be known beyond the borders of our country. We were in Germany, where I gave several interviews to radio, television and major websites. We are preparing for the UK Eurovision Preview Party, The Netherlands Eurovision Concert and the Belgian Party, where I will take part. Until then, we are glad to hear good news from many countries, where even if we didn’t visit for a promo tour, they said to us that the song is listened to on the radios and in the clubs. Greece, Malta and Turkey are some of those countries. We can only enjoy and we thank those who have promoted our song.

Do you believe in internet promotion? Do you think it will help for the Moscow result?

As long as the song reaches the ears of thousands of people who will watch this contest, I believe that any promotion is welcome and I think that these days, the internet is used by many people, and has an important word to say in the relationship between an artist and a consumer of music. On the internet, especially through youtube, you can see the pictures, movies, concerts and interviews with the artists…..I wait for everyone to talk on my website, www.elenagheorghe.ro

What is the message that The Balkan Girls want to send to the whole of Europe?

Listen to the song The Balkan Girls, and if you like it, give it the chance to be among the best tracks in Europe. I am ELENA GHEORGHE and thanks for all your support. I promise that I will do my best to make sure no-one is dissapointed by me. Have the peace and love! BE BLESSED!


Elena’a official site

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