Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light to be broadcast on May 16

Following the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020, the EBU and its Dutch Members NPO, NOS and AVROTROS will be producing a new show, ‘Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light’.

The show will air in place of the cancelled Grand Final on Saturday 16 May at 21:00 CEST

The official Eurovision site says that Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light will honour all 41 songs, in a non-competitive format, as well as providing plenty of surprises for fans and viewers at home. The show will be hosted by Dutch Eurovision presenters Chantal Janzen, Edsilia Rombley (Eurovision 1998 and 2007) and Jan Smit. These three were scheduled to host the now cancelled Eurovision Song Contest.

The show also will try to bring together all of 2020’s artists from different locations around Europe performing a past Eurovision hit. It won’t be Love Shine A Light (United Kingdom 1997) by any chance, will it?

Below you can watch a performance of Katrina and The Waves with that very song.

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