Eurovision 2000: Latvia’s Brainstorm in focus

A new country entered Eurovision in 2000, and while they haven’t performed so great so far, during their time in the contest, at least they got of to a wonderful start. Brainstorm’s ‘My Star’ is still well remembered and loved by many Eurovision fans.

Latvia’s first ever entry at Eurovision, came from the group, Prāta Vētra, better known, in English as Brainstorm. Their entry My Star did really well by placing 3rd out of 24 songs.

On 26 February 2000, Latvian Television (LTV) held their National Final, Eirodziesma, with ten acts competing. A mix of jury and public voting chose the winner. Brainstorm received 147 points beating their nearest rival, Marie N by 33 points.

As history now records, Brainstorm placed third on 13 May 2000 in Stockholm, Sweden. Marie N went on to win the contest in 2002 with I Wanna.

My Star – opinions from fans

Michael O. – This wasn’t really a standout before Eurovision, but there was no doubt the band gave a great performance at the contest. Nothing offensive about the song, it was nice to see Latvia do so well, at their first Eurovision. Not quite sure what’s gone wrong with Latvia since.

Martti I. – My stars indeed. Latvia did send their biggest …Prata Vetra of Brainstorm as we know it. My Star was and still is one of big Eurovision songs I never get tired off. The very superb melody, lyrics and this performance went directly to our hearts around Europe and so they received an amazing 3rd place. Wow.

Jill R. – When Latvia entered Eurovision for the first time they entered with an explosion. No one can resist the charm and quirkiness of Renārs Kaupers. For me, it wasn´t the best song in 2000, but it totally deserved to be top 3. I really love the song and it still sounds current after 20 years. It had something different and stood out from the rest. Since I´m part Latvian I always hope a little extra for Latvia. But ever since 2000 they have disappointed me. But then again Brainstorm sets the bar very high. “My star” is still the best song from Latvia in Eurovision.

Amir B. – I felt a unique lightness watching the presentation. He’s “I don’t care about the contest, I just want to have fun” and that’s what I felt seeing and listening to this presentation.

Alvaro S. – This was awkward but cute at the same time. The lead singer was very energetic through the whole performance, perhaps that was a little bit too much like if he had drunk too much coffee or red bull before he went onstage. I can’t decide if the way he moves and acts is just him trying to look happy and optimistic or to just feel nervous. But it is a cute song. It was on my top 5 that year.

Stine F. – Brainstorm’s My Star is one of my all time favourite songs from Eurovision. Definitely on my Top 3 list. This song makes me really happy. It is unpretentious and charming in every way. They make me want to hang out with them and party like it’s a new Millennium. 😅 This song never gets old in my playlist.

Pascal W. – I just listened to that song for the first time and honestly, I don‘t know what to think about it. I somehow feel like I have to like this song, but I don‘t know if I do. It‘s really weird.

Charlotte J. – Whatever the leadsinger was on, give it to some of those suffering from a mild depression… this song is cute, sweet and catchy – but also freakingly annoying, mainly because of the leadsinger. He is one of those, I need in very small doses, but whenever I get that, it brings a smile on my face. So, in small doses, I really love this song, but I need to be careful not to get an overdose. If that happens, I can’t stand him and that brings the song down as well.

Brainstorm – a brief biography

Brainstorm formed in 1989 in Jelgava. The band who appeared at Eurovision were Renārs Kaupers, Jānis Jubalts, Gundars Mauševics, Kaspars Roga and Māris Mihelsons.

The group gradually became popular in Latvia, scoring Latvia’s biggest hit in 1996 with Tavas mājas manā azotē. After Eurovision a greatest hits album was released.

In 2004 tragedy struck when Gundars was killed in a car crash.

By 2012 the group were so popular they were winning the top music awards in Latvia, thanks to the album, Another Still Life. The group are still popular in Latvia today, and have released 13 albums in Latvian, with many of them translated into English releases.

Renārs was co-host of the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest, and co-hosted the 50 Years of Eurovision celebration with Katrina Leskanich, from Copenhagen in 2005.

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