Watch Live: Salvador Sobral raises money for Pedrógão Grande Fire victims

This evening, a special charity concert will take place the MEO Arena in Lisbon. Eurovision winner Salvador Sobral is one of the acts who will help to collect funds to the victims of the massive fire that hit Portugal ten days ago.

Salvador Sobral will tonight together with acts such as Portuguese legend Rui Veloso and pop band D.A.M.A try to raise money for the Pedrógão Grande fire victims. 64 people died, and 200 were injured in the big fire that hit Portugal ten days ago. In total 25 acts will perform in tonight’s show which is mentioned to be covered by all national radio and TV stations.

The shown is held in Lisbon’s MEO arena, which also seems to be the most likely arena for next’s year’s Eurovision Song Contest, but tonight the setting is obviously of a more tragic character.

You can watch Salvador Sobral and the other acts live from 22:15 CET at RTP International via satelite or web stream.

In the video below, you can remind yourself of Salvador’s winning entry from last month’s Eurovision Song Contest, this time in a special Full Stage View:

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