Eurovision winner Salvador Sobral got a new heart

Salvador Sobral was finally submitted into surgical intervention to have his heart replaced. According to Portuguese media, the intervention went well and the singer is currently in the intensive care department recovering. A press conference took place this evening.

Good news for Salvador Sobral and for all Eurovision fans who surely wanted his fast recovery. The Portuguese singer has finally had his heart replaced and is currently recovering from the surgery.

The news were advanced by Notícias ao Minuto and rapidly spread to all the other means of social communication. According to the same sources, the surgical intervention took place in Lisbon last night, the 8th of December.

The hospital held a press conference this evening in order to confirm the good news. The doctors also revealed the surgery took four hours and that despite it being successful the recovery process will be long and undetermined.

Back in September, Salvador announced he’d put his music career on hold to deliver his body to science. Through ups and downs, the singer has remained always positive, and promised a fast recovery which now has all the conditions to happen.

Let’s all celebrate Salvador’s successful intervention by rewatching his touching performance of Amar Pelos Dois – this time in a Full Stage View:

Source: Notícias ao Minuto
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