UPD: Spanish final already on Saturday

It appears that the Spanish final has been moved forward to this Saturday where the country is also to have their third semi-final. We will then have the two shows right after each other making the marathon show even longer, but providing us with the song for Moscow one week earlier.

The Spanish final was supposed to be held on Saturday the 7th of March, but has been moved one week forward to be held already this Saturday where also the third semi-final will take place. There is not yet any indication on why this change has been made, but once we have more information EuroVisionary will update you on the situation.

Many fans do want to know the songs as soon as possible, but this change is not going to be particular popular with the fans already complaining that the Spanish show ending too late. By having the final right after the semi-final the fear is now that the show will last all night – unless they move the semi-final to earlier the same evening, but so far there is no indication of that happening.

UPD:  In a press release today Spanish broadcaster, TVE, states that the reason to move the final one week is to give more time to prepare for the submission of the song and give the artist, whoever it will be, time to make a proper video to the song.   

Source: TVE, EuroVisionary
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