Swedish football team sing Diggiloo-Diggiley for Euro 2012

What has the Euro 2012 football tournament got to do with the Swedish Eurovision winner in 1984 you ask? The Swedish football team’s arrival in Kyiv, Ukraine yesterday brought the song to light due to their similar misfortunate re-enactment of the lyrics to the cheesy pop song.

The introduction to the song lyrics to Diggiloo-diggiley in English read as following "Lightning and thunder, imagine an obstacle – you’ll fly over it". That was exactly what the Swedish jet plane was doing Wednesday evening as their arrival was taken by a storm cloud requiring them to circle above Kyiv for 30 minutes before getting clearance to land the plane.

Erik Hamrén, the new Swedish coach for the football team, thought to himself as their plane was circling in the sky and after seeing the storm clouds, "We are in a similar situation to that the Herreys sing of!" He then looked up at the sky and saw a great black storm cloud humming to himself "Oh, what a wonderful dream", another lyric in Diggiloo-diggiley.

With a successful landing 2 hours 33 minutes after take off, the Swedish team landed safely and sung their way through the cabin to Diggiloo-diggiley. The Herreys are known nationwide in Sweden after their successful win in the Eurovision Song Contest 1984 held in Luxembourg. Their performance can be remembered below.

Source: UEFA, EuroVisionary
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