Sweden is counting down to the first Semi-final

There were a lot of tension in the air when the dress rehearsals started earlier today. This was the last time the artists rehearsed on stage before tonights dress rehearsal. We are getting closer to the final moment where everything needs to be ready.

The one’s of you who’ve seen the pictures from yesterdays rehearsals in our photo gallery have also noticed that the artists were rehearsing without the actual clothes that they are going to wear on Saturday. The journalists in the arena only got to see the clothes on a hanger and I’m afraid to say that there are a few mistakes in yesterdays article about the rehearsals. For example a pair of trousers were confused with a dress but it will all be solved out today as EuroVisionary attended today’s rehearsals as well.

The artists seems to take advantage of the new rules on stage. You will be noticing this further on in this article.

Since Nina is the first one on stage on Saturday she is the first one to rehears this afternoon. She’s still very confident on stage and flirts with the audience and the cameras. Her voice is strong and she hits the notes perfectly even though you can tell she holds back a little to save her voice until tonigt’s dress rehearsal. To set the record straight, Nina will be wearing a corset and trousers, both with skin material. She is also one of the artists that takes advantage of the new rules as she is accompanied by four dancers and two guys in the choir, that makes it seven people on stage (up until this year it has only been allowed to have six people on stage).

Jonathan still comes through as a bit insecure on stage. He has a hard time finding the cameras and looks really nervous. He has his moments where everything seems to fall into place and if he manage to do that on Saturday every Swedish girl and woman will vote over and over again. As well as Nina he takes advantage of the new rules since his choir is pre-recorded.

Next up is Shirly, wearing a beautiful purple dress she rehearses Med hjärtat fyllt av ljus. She is a real superstar and just like Nina she hits every note perfectly. And even if she holds back a little to save her voice it’s hard not to get emotional when she sings. This song grows each time she sings and since Shirly is such a professional she will deliver a perfect performance on stage on Saturday. There are more then one of the journalists in the arena that have uttered the words goose pimples after her rehearsals today.

Sorry to say this, but Scotts song ”Jag tror på oss” is as dull on stage as it is on CD. They have the confidence and the presence on stage but they don’t really goes through the tv-screens. But since they participated in ”Dansbandskampen” so recently they probably will get a lot of votes from the Swedish viewers. As well as a few of the other artists Scotts takes advantage of the new rules and has seven people on stage (the four of the guys in the band and three girls in the chior).

There seems to be some kind of problem during Emilias dress rehearsal since they have a long discussion on stage and then makes the decision to change her starting position. Emilia is one of those artists that doen’t go through the tv screens. There is a lot of action and energy in this number but Emilia looks a little bit bored on stage. She wears a sparkling goldy dress but unfortunately it doesn’t help her. Like many of the other artists in this weeks line up she is taken use of the fact that she can have up to eight people on stage.

There is really nothing to add to what’s already said about Alcazar’s performance. They are true professionals and they deliver extraordinary performances every time. If you’re able to watch the tv-show on Saturday please look for Tess Merkels ”War face” during the performance. In some of the rehearsals you have only been able to see their silhouettes so you might not be able to see her ”war face”. And their is one other thing you can’t miss, the choirs outfits.

Snälla, snälla is kind of a sad song both lyrics-wise and as a song. Looking at the screens in the arena it doesn’t seem that Caroline is going through the tv-screens at all, mainly because she closes her eyes a lot during her performance. The lyrics is overly dramatic unfortunately, the consequence is that it’s hard to connect to it as you do with ”Med hjärtat fyllt av ljus”.

Marie seems more confident on stage today during rehearsal, she flirts with the cameras and seems to  really enjoy being on stage. As the other girls in the line up she holds back a little but despite that this stage show grows each time she rehearses. Yesterday she had a hard time finding the right notes but that isn’t a problem at today’s rehearsal. Marie is going to wear a with dress with fringles by Swedish designer Rickard Engfors. Marie as well as many of the other artists is taking advantage of the new rules.

Source: EuroVisionary.com
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