Tonight the first of four presentation programmes will be aired on Slovenian national TV. A total of 32 acts will be presented – one of them will be representing its country at the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest. In tonight’s programme the Danish band A Friend In London will appear as guests.
In Januar Slovenia will host its traditional EMA final. A total of 16 acts will compete to represent the country in Baku in May 2012. Those 16 acts will be picked from "Misija Evrovizija"(Mission Eurovision), which consist of four presentation rounds. The 32 acts in these programmes have been found via open auditions where everyone who was EU citizens and living in Slovenia – and who didn’t have a contract with a record company – could take part.
Four well known faces selected the 32 through so far and the same judges will also pick which 16 can continue on to EMA:
Darja Švajger, who represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest twice in 1995 and 1999. Best result was achieved with Prisluhni mi, her first attempt that came 7th in Dublin.
Tina Marinšek, singer who participated in the 2011 edition of the Slovanian final, EMA as a part of the group TABU. Their song was called Moje luči.
Raay a Songwriter who also has EMA experience as he wrote the song Ladadidej, which April sang into a second place at the 2011 EMA.
Jonas Znidarsic, Jounalist and TV host known for the Slovenian version of "Who wants to be a millionaire".
In tonight’s presentation round A Friend In London, who came 5th at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest for Denmark will appear as guest stars. They will perform their Eurovision entry New Tomorrow as well as their new single Calling A Friend, a song to and about their online fans.
Misija Evrovizija will be hosted by Maja Keuc, who represented Slovenia here in 2011 with the song No One and Klemen Slakonja, the Slovenian spokesperson this year.
Below you can see Maja Keuc perform her 2011 entry No One at the Eurovision Song Contest.