Portuguese Finalists Announced

RTP has announced the results of the online voting and the 12 acts who will compete for the right to represent Portugal in Dusseldorf.

The lucky acts will participate in the 47th Festival da Canção on March 5th. The winner will be chosen by televoting and an ‘expert’ jury.

The finalists are:

Homens da Luta – Luta É Alegria (Jel/Vasco Duarte) 17374 votes
Wanda Stuart – Chegar À Tua Voz (Paul Teixeira de Sousa) 14394 votes
Inês Bernardo – Deixa O Meu Lugar (Joana Ferraz / Leonel Monteiro) 14105 votes
Ricardo Sousa – O Mar, O Vento E As Estrelas (Fernando Guerreiro / Carlos Freitas) 14062 votes
Filipa Ruas – Tensão (Filipa Ruas, Pedro Sá, Daniel Nilsson, Henrik Szabo, Johnny Sanchez, Jonas Gladnikoff & Michael Eriksson) 14058 votes
Saias – Embalo Do Coração (Ana Rita Rebello/Páquito C. Braziel) 14056 votes
Carla Moreno – Sobrevivo (Carlos Coelho/Andrej Bábic) 13868 votes
Henrique Feist – Quase A Voar (José Fanha/Nuno Feist) 13844 votes
Nuno Norte – São Os Barcos De Lisboa (Carlos Massa) 13817 votes
Rui Andrade – Em Nome Do Amor (Carlos Meireles/Artur Guimarães) 13656 votes
Tânia Tavares – Se Esse Dia Chegar (Tânia Tavares & Nuno Valério/Gorgi) 13592 votes
Axel – Boom Boom Yeah (Axel/José Félix) 13448 votes

Portugal has been drawn in the bottom half of the first semi-final.

Source: RTP, EuroVisionary
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