After tonight’s second chance heat the line up for the Swedish final is now complete. In other words, time to put the running order together. As soon as the second chance heat finished Melodifestivalen producer Christer Björkman and his team decided the running order. Ulrik Munther will have the honour to open this year’s final and YOHIO will close it.
Melodifestivalen 2013, another six weeks of celebrations, happiness, drama and sensations are soon over. It all started out on February 2nd in Karlskrona where David Lindgren and YOHIO were selected as Melodifestivalen 2013’s first two finalists. The week after, at the second semi final things began to happen, the bookmakers predicted Sean Banan and Anton Ewald to make it to the final but in reality only one of them, Sean Banan succeeded. Instead of Anton, it was Lousie Hoffsten who got the viewer’s votes.
On February 16th it was time for the third semifinal and Ravaillacs were the name on everyone’s lips. Their sarcastic song about Melodifestivalen wasn’t amusing everyone. Despite that they made it to the final and brought another underdog, State of Drama with them.
Last week, at the fourth semifinal the bookmakers and the viewer’s finally agreed on which two artists that should be in the final. As predicted it was Ralf Gyllenhammar and Ulrik Munther who got the desirable spots in the final.
After tonight’s second chance heat Swedish viewers agreed to send Robin Stjernberg and Anton Ewald through to the final. The two guys completed the line up, which now consists of nine acts with men and only one act with a woman.
When the last two finalists had been announced it was time for the producer Christer Björkman and his team to decide next week’s running order.
This is the running order of the Swedish final:
Song number 1: Ulrik Munther – Tell the World I’m Here
(Peter Boström, Thomas G:son, Ulrik Munther)
Song number 2: David Lindgren – Skyline
(Fernando Fuentes, Henrik Nordenback and Christian Fast)
Song number 3: State of Drama – Falling
(Göran Werner, Sebastian Hallifax, Emil Gullhamn, James Hallifax)
Song number 4: Anton Ewald – Begging
(Fredrik Kempe and Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad)
Song number 5: Louise Hoffsten – Only The Dead Fish Follow The Stream
(Louise Hoffsten, Sandra Bjurman and Stefan Örn)
Song number 6: Ralf Gyllenhammar – Bed on Fire
(Ralf Gyllenhammar, David Wilhelmson)
Song number 7: Ravaillacz – En riktig jävla schlager
(Kjell Jennstig, Leif Goldkuhl and Henrik Dorsin)
Song number 8: Sean Banan – Copacabanana
(Sean Banan, Ola Lindholm, Hans Blomberg and Joakim Larsson)
Song number 9: Robin Stjernberg – You
(Robin Stjernberg, Linnea Deb, Joy Deb and Joakim Harestad Haukaas)
Song number 10: YOHIO – Heartbreak Hotel
(Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson, Henrik Göranson and YOHIO)