Jedward pucker up with lively Lipstick!!

Jedward hit the stage with a lively and explosive performance of Lipstick.  Their enthusiasm and energy lit up the stage.

Jedward are dressed in red ‘glam rock’ style jackets with big shoulder pads.  They are accompanied on stage by 4 backing singers (2 guys and 2 girls).  The song begins with John singing the opening line in the centre of the stage and Edward on the floor taking the next line.  John pulls Edward up and then the fun begins.

They are running and jumping around the stage bringing a lively atmosphere.  They end the song by tossing over.

The background is very colourful with silhouettes of Jedward dancing in the background alternating with big red lips flashing.

Jedward must be applauded for their huge enthusiasm and energy.  This will shortly transfer to the watching public.


Source: EuroVisionary
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