Hotel FM Check in For Second Succesful Rehearsal

Following their 3rd placing from last year, Romania are eager for more and have a lot riding on their entrants this year, Hotel FM. Following an excellent first rehearsal, expectations for their second rehearsal today were high.

The trio show us just how good an uncomplicated act can be, with no need for special effects or gimmickery. They’ve decided to change nothing with regards to their first rehearsal, which is just as well, as that was almost faultless and today they continued that trend.

The same outfits were worn, with the dancers in black with matching hats and singer Bryan in his black and white striped trousers and black waistcoat with the tartan back. The dancers treat us to an equally energetic routine with clapping and over exaggerated trumpet playing which brings an element of fun to the act. All three make good use of the floor space, with Bryan coaxing the audience to join in with several gestures from the edge of the stage, looking really well on camera. The white grand piano looks great on stage.

The backdrop is still the same, and could possibly be the only negative aspect concerning the act – the flashing lines and curves in blue and red at times come across as just too busy – there weren’t any pyro effects used in today’s rehearsals.

In my view

Yet another cheerful rehearsal with a great, positive vibe, brimming with energy and with singer Bryan giving consistently strong vocal performances in all 3 run throughs, means that Romania’s chances for qualifying are looking a sure thing indeed.

The opinion expressed in "In my view" are those of the author and are not necessarily the one of
Source: EuroVisionary
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