With Adelén, Sirkus Eliassen and Gaute bagging the final three spots in the Norwegian final this coming Saturday, there was one space left reserved for NRK’s wildcard. You can imagine the scenes of jubilation, when NRK contacted the act in question yesterday evening.
Saturday’s final semi-final from Larvik saw 16 year old Adelén sweep all competition aside when she strode on stage and gave her all for the three minutes it took for her to perform her highly infectious latino number Bomba. Sirkus Eliassen were unsuprisingly the next act to advance to the final – unsurprisingly, because their first four singles have sold to a minimum of double platinum. Gaute was the third artist to snag a spot in the upcoming final with his vocally challening song Awake, a song which he seemed to perform effortlessly on stage.
With the final three acts chosen, there was only one space left in the final, a spot that many have high hopes for. Many had a favourite act that didn’t make it through to the final and so were pinning their hopes on their favourite being selected as NRK’s wildcard.
With no formal announcement made, we were put out of our misery this morning, when NRK revealed on their official NRK Melodi Grand Prix website that project leader Vivi Stenberg had been out visiting the act that NRK had declared their wildcard, granting them a place among the final line up. Possibly something to do with the name, it was the band Lucky Lips that were given the NRK wildcard to Saturday’s final in Oslo Spektrum. A jury of seven had cast votes on which act should be granted wildcard status – favouring the bluesgrass band out of all the other non-qualifying acts.
Saturday’s final line up will there be as follows (given in order of appearance):
Song 1: Paid My Way – Vidar Busk (L: Timothy Scott McConnell / M: Vidar Busk)
Song 2: Ulvetuva – Fjellfolk (L & M: Trym Bjønnes)
Song 3 : Bombo – Adelén (L & M: Ina Wroldsen / Quiz / Larossi)
Song 4: Alone – Gromth feat. Emil Solli Tangen (L: Gromth /M: Emil Solli-Tangen / Sven Atle Kopperud)
Song 5 : Awake – Gaute Ormåsen (L : Gaute Ormåsen / Jesper Borgen / M: Fredrik Borgen)
Song 6 : Sweet & Heavy– Lucky Lips (L & M: Malin Pettersen)
Song 7: Underground – Datarock (L & M: Fredrik Saroea / Pål Myran-Håland)
Song 8: I’m With You – Annsofi (L & M: Alexander Rybak)
Song 9: Feed You My Love– Margaret Berger (L & M: Karin Park / Robin Lynch / Niklas Olovson)
Song 10 : I Love You Te Quiero – Sirkus Eliassen (L : Magnus Eliassen / Erik Eliassen / M: Magnus Eliassen)
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