Slovakia nears the end of its quarter-final stage tonight, and picks four more songs for the semi-finals that start on 14 February. Will fans’ favourite Kristina be among them?
STV’s studios in Bratislava tonight hosted their penultimate quarter-final. Another 10 acts were vying for four places in the semi-final stages that start on 14 February. Smola a hrušky were the only participants from 2009, but all eyes seemed to be on fans’ favourite Kristina with her slightly folk number. The 10 acts were:
Smola a Hrušky – Pridaj si ma
Vierka Ayisi – Je čas zabávať sa
Bystrik – Slnko nespalí
Arzén – Keď som išiel za ránky
Sunlips – Správy v splne
Marcel Berky – Kým sa dá
Dáška Kostovčik – Dážď
Robert Mikla – Voda a oheň
Kristina – Horehonie
Exponent – Zveste lásku z kríža
Again, 100% text (SMS) voting was used to determine the qualifiers. At the end of proceedings, regular host Martin ‘Pyco’ Rausch announced the results in reverse order. The final results, with percentages of the vote are:
Kristina – 36.7%
Smola a Hrušky – 12.1%
Robert Mikla – 12.0%
Dáška Kostovčik – 11.6%
Sunlips – 11.5%
Arzén – 5.7%
Exponent – 4.5%
Bystrik – 2.7%
Vierka Ayisi – 2.2%
Marcel Berky – 1.1%
Kristina has received the biggest winning margin of any qualifier so far, and will be one to watch in the later stages.
The recording of the show will be available on STV’s website within 24 hours. Using the link below, click on ‘Eurosong’ on the right hand panel.