Rectification: Danish OGAE president was misinterpreted – did not suggest a boycott

EuroVisionary was contacted by Danish OGAE president Johann Sørensen regarding the story about him encouraging DR to boycott the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. He says he was misinterpreted in the medias and that he never suggested the mentioned boycott. 

In our previous article we mentioned a story brougth by BBC about how citizens in the Azeri capital were forced out of their homes without a proper compensation in order to make space for new the concert hall, that is planned to be hosting the Eurovision Song Contest in May. 

We also quoted the newly elected president of OGAE Denmark, Johann Sørensen, for saying that he encourage EBU to get incolved in the situation and the broadcaster to boycott the contest if the case is not solved in accordance to international human rights. These quotes were taken from Danish Eurovision media Esc-dk, who mentioned that it was from a press release Johann sent out.

Today Johann Sørensen contacted us saying the following: "The statements I have made are with strongly reservations and of course I assume that’s Azerbaijan keep the agreement they have made with EBU about for example press freedom and security". 

The story came out as he gave an interview to the radiostation 24syv where he "took reservations from the article from BBC and the statement from Amnesty International because the story is not confirmed by others". Afterwards he sent out a press release confirming these reservations, but to EuroVisionary he makes it very clear that the words about that he should have encouraged a boycott isn’t true just as he says that he never contacted Danish broadcaster, DR.

Source: EuroVisionary
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