Yesterday Aalborg started the celebrations of the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix being back in the North Jutlandic city – and they did so with style as no other than three times winner Kirsten & Søren went on stage – after a gigantic choir of 1100 people had opened the ball.
At 11:00 AM the doors opened in Aalborg Kongres & Kultur center and it was time for the first of many events taking place in relation to the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, where the final will be held next Saturday, the 21st of January.
The national final in Denmark is no longer just one show with ten songs competing on that one evening. Now it is a whole city involved in various events that starts a week before the actual show – and from the programme, which EuroVisionary published yesterday, there are enough to make sure that no one in Aalborg, Denmark’s 4th largest city, will be in doubt about that the Grand Prix fever has hit their city.
Yesterday we first saw a gigantic choir of more than 1100 singing three Danish entries under management of Michael Bojesen. The three entries were the two Danish Eurovision Song Contest winners; Dansevise from 1963 by Grethe & Jørgen Ingemann and Olsen Brothers‘ Smuk Som Et Stjerneskud from the year 2000 – and then last year’s Danish New Tomorrow, which A Friend In London sang to a 5th place in Düsseldorf, Germany.
After the choir concert Sigfreds Fodvarmere created a bit of extra atmosphere among the audience before Kirsten & Søren went on stage for a small concert. The duo won the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix a total of three times and is considered an icon among fans in Denmark as well as abroad. Accompaignied on stage by Danband Allstars they they performed with their three Eurovision Song Contest entries; Det’ Lige Det from 1984, which finished 4th at the international contest, Sku’ Du Spørg’ Fra No’en? from 1985 and of course their best placed song from 1988 Ka’ Du Se Hva’ Jeg Sa’?, which came 3rd in Dublin, Ireland. Aside from those they also threw themselves into other entries like the Danish ones from 1978 Boom Boom, Alt Det Som Ingen Ser and Birthe Kjær‘s Vi Maler Byen Rød from 1989, but also ABBA‘s Waterloo from 1974. About the latter they mentioned that it was awarded the best Eurovision Song Contest entry at the 50′ years anniversary, but that they hoped it would be one of Søren’s songs winning that title at the 100 years anniversary!
You can see pictures from the concert with Kirsten & Søren in our gallery – and below you can see two videos; First the choir performance and then a video containing clips from the Kirsten & Søren performance. You also find links to how you can get hold of an extensive compilation CD with them, which must be a must in the collection for all Eurovision Song Contest fans. This album is currently on sale so if you don’t already have it – you better rush to buy it.