Three times Danish national finalist Danni Elmo has today released the song Gadebarn which is about the tabu it is to be homeless in Denmark. The song has been donated to a place for young homeless in Copenhagen, and for Danni this project is very much personal.
"It’s like there is something which is wrong in our society, taboos are ignored, we are busy saving the world outside, maybe we should start with ourselves". The chorus on Gadebarn (Street child) says it all. In Denmark there isn’t much focus on homeless people. Danni Elmo is trying to change that with the song Gadebarn. He donated it to the organisation Hellebro, which is a place for young homeless in Copenhagen.
Danni tells EuroVisionary that he got on board this project as his friend Dorthe Glad asked if he was interested. He was immidiately inspired and a week later he was one of four coordinators. He also tells that for him it is very much a personal thing: "I myself have been living on the streets, attics, wash cellars etc. Now that I actually have a large network and respect, it is easier for me to shout and be heard".
He adds that "My mission is that we accept the problem and do something about it before we spend all resources outside the country or on fountain sculptures!"
When asked how people can support, Danni says: "I hope people will think about what they would be happy themselves to have in that situation and then use the ekstra they have on helping those that have nothing". He makes it clear that though it is great with clothes, shoes, blankets etc., money and volunteers for the center are also needed. He ends with the following message: "My wish is that people donate what is needed, and not just what they don’t want to have anymore".
Danni Elmo has taken part in the national selection in Denmark, Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, three times. First time in 2006 with the song 2 in 1, the year after with Meaning of Life and again in 2014 singing She’s the One.
In the video below you can listen to Gadebarn, which has Marcel Gbekle (one of Basim‘s backing singers from Eurovision 2014) as backing and Jesper Ottesen on drums. The song is produced by Jab Charif with Michael Lund in charge of photo and video.